Warlock port

Yah except you havent given a single example to back your claim. I countered every comment you made and you moved to a different straw at every turn.

Not me though. I always listen to criticism.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go leap behind a pillar and die in a kidney and then tell my healer he’s worthless.

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So heroic. :muscle:

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Uhh, I’m not sure how to approach this but what is your overall argument?

Well if you follow the conversation The warrior Gomachi commented that he can’t catch a Ported Warlock. I pointed out that he clearly can. Then he came at me with “Warlocks will slow him with Curse of Exhaustion”. I mentioned that it’s a team match and that likely there is somebody on said team that can likely help. That’s where the points started rolling in. It pisses me off when I see these melee livelords blinking all over the damn screen cryin about not being able to connect to a warlock. Sorry but that crap is really dumb. Of all the things busted in the game, Warlock Port is the hot button worth opening a thread about?

If we use your team comment and think about the comps warlocks are probably running (hpala to heal them, frost mage, sp, rogue, dk partner) then yes, short port seems a little problematic

That being said, I do think some melee need to learn that if they’re going to be kited on their cds it’s probably better to tab target and hit something else

That becomes problematic when you q into like frostmage with blinkstun etc which is where I think the majority of the melee frustration comes from


If you’re vs’ing a team with a Sp on it and you choose to sit the Warlock over the SP, arent you throwing a win in the garbage anyways?

I get your point though.

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Depends, a havoc coil combo on dps with stun silence on healer would mean the lock is free bolting which likely indicates a loss

The reason destro and aff get sat isn’t because they’re squishy, it’s because letting them play means you’ll lose


No I get it. Me personally, in that situation, a SP is easier to sit on and the SP at least imho, does more damage. It’s whatever though. I concede fellas. Back to the conversation at hand.


you will instantly lose when a warlock with a quarter of a brain gets 3 successive chaos bolts or an aff lock gets to freely ua and rapture

“tabbing” off of a warlock is a luxury the majority of melee don’t actually have

warlocks like to complain about how hard it is to get away but they never complain about how when they’re allowed to play the game unhindered for more than 4 seconds they instantly win without doing anything

THATS the real “mobility arms race”
it isn’t about if the caster can get away or not, it’s how they’ve tuned casters to basically instantly win the game if things aren’t on top of them basically 100% of the game


This was more of a shuffle suggestion for lower ratings but I think that’s where a lot of forum dissonance comes into play

So much truth in this. Warlock players complain way too much on here

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This all smells like a nerf destro thread in disguise

I agree, buff demo :dracthyr_comfy_black:

Funny, you mispelled warrior


i for the most part actually like that destro is S tier and that it’s damage profile allows them to have competitive game winning damage without ever HAVING to get a bolt

it feels nice that bolt doesn’t have to be dramatically overtuned because immo/conflag/incin all do good damage but you’re still rewarded for bolting

my only issue is that destro can be such an insanely lethal threat with such powerful drs but is nearly immortal with how soulburn port functions atm

like if you want specs like destro, windwalker, and hpal to be invulnerable then be consistent bring back 400k healing surges and rdruid frenzy being a 200% heal

they keep smoothing out burst on most specs just to let aug still do 300k in 0.5
they keep reducing defensives/healing just to have warlocks port every 4 seconds

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Speaking of warriors, one killed me through full overgrowth hots, barkskin and bear form with frenzied regen up. But yea they don’t do nearly as much burst as windwalker or rogue so they fly under the radar

They can WHAT :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

If the cdr procs you can port

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20 year old spaghetti code says being locked is technically all spells of that school going on CD for x time

IDK about now but in past expansions there was almost no reason to kick an ele lava burst, for the same reason