Warlock pets resummoning after dismissal

I prefer to keep my demons unsummoned when in cities. However, when I dismount, whichever one I had out last is resummoned. Not game-breaking in any way, just irritating :slight_smile:

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Meant to post on the character with the issue lol

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I have the same issue on my lock & yes it’s annoying.

Another bug I’ve noticed today - during Xmog runs in Antorus raid, my Imp kept on getting dismissed every time I used the golden teleporter on the ground.
It was never the case before the patch, and was very annoying having to resummon it over and over while I was in there.

They sure broke something during the patch.
Fix it please.

It’s not just warlocks with this issue it’s also happening to hunters as well. see my post here

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This issue is very annoying and causing issues with low-level quests/dailies if you forget your pet gets re-summoned instantly they usually kill things for you and you get no credit. Very annoying.

Just as an update to this issue. I received an answer to my ticket regarding this issue. The GM assured me that this issue has been passed on to the dev team for investigation and possible fixes.

The GM also encourages others that have this same issue to submit in-game bug reports with as much detail as possible. to help give the dev team as much information as possible. tho I did direct link this forum post in my ticket directly to my first post as a direct source to the current issue I’m personally having. I’ll encourage other players to also post there issues and submit reports in-game hopefully with enough reports this will get fixed soon.

I also have this same problem and yes it is extremely annoying especially if you’re in a zone that you don’t want pets out because they aggro mobs or whatever. I want this fixed hopefully on this maintenance this will get corrected.

I meant to post with the character with the issue.

Same issue here. Very annoying.

Have the same problem, and agreed there are times you don’t want the pet but it appears anyway