Warlock pet aggro

So… does anyone else have an issue with the felguard aggro?
I swear, half of the time it doesn’t work at all and I’m constantly having to run away just to survive.


None of the pet aggros are working. My felguard kept losing aggro yesterday and I just hit lvl 80. W.e they did they def gutted the aggro pets generate.


i believe its affected all tanks and tanking pets when they changed the aggro base.


I have the same problem. my pet dont tank

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Good to know, i will wait a while before lvling my lock / hunter

Have the same problem with Voidwalker on destro. I’m tanking more than the pet does.

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Yeah tank pets are borked at the moment!

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Yeah, my Wrathguard seems to lose aggro a little easier this expansion. Admittedly, this could be due to gear, though it has never been a problem before.

I’ve noticed this problem over the last couple of days. My Voidy grabs the mob at first but as soon as I start attacking, it switches to me. This particularly annoying.


Have the same. Maybe if I fight more than 3 or 4 mobs it pet keeps 2 of them but the rest is coming for me. Maybe because I’m hitting the mobs that comes for me.

Tbh, the felhunter is vastly more useful. Doesnt die as fast as a voidwalker, and you can silence enemies with spell lock and devour magic

Yeah I made a similar thread a few days ago, more specifically about aff hellcaller where the problem is really severe.

I find demo diabolist much better probably because the threat through damage is more spread out between the fellguard, additional demons and me.

I also leveled a BM hunter to 80, and it’s not as bad but definitely worse than in DF.
