Warlock name ideas?



Sepheroth was taken so i added numbers after it how cool am i?

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My Warlocks just have made up names. Morhaleb and Strattasong.

 you can guess what it means :joy:

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Logged in just so I could like and comment that this is my favourite!!!

i have multiple locks, the best one is probably my human- ellipsĂŻs

I made an Orc warlock named “Demun”
 obvious pun is obvious
 he went Demonology obviously

I have a lock called felgibson

This is a thread for Warlocks, not Necromancers.

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This toon being an RP one the full name is “Gibet Gallowsborn”. Gibbet was taken so I used the older French spelling.

Another one I had was Soulcatcher (for all you Black Company fans).

Way back on Vanilla I had an Orc Warlock named Zod, just so I can do an emote macro
 “/y Come and kneel before Zod!”

Some on line name meaning sites are useful. You can google something like “meaning of names” and you’ll get a bunch.

Play on word options like “Felson, Felsin, etc.”

For Forsaken you can to plays on death and funerals like Eulogy, Elegy, Mourne, Cerement, Mourn, Threnody etc.

Happy searching :stuck_out_tongue:

My warlock is named Moksha, the Sanskrit word for the ultimate release of suffering. I am both the cause of the suffering and its ultimate release.


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Try using special characters where you can if you really like a name and its taken



Well Dean Koonz wrote a Frankenstein series,in the book his name was deucilon,seemed fitting for my Loc

You didnt happen to play on the Shattered Hand server did you?

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Originally I chose “Camley”, as my Warlock was a Worgen and it just kind of sounded like it would fit. I’ve since used the name for a D&D character.

I recently changed the character, so elected to choose a new name. Landed on “Nosgoth”, which is a reference to the Legacy of Kain series, which I absolutely adore.

Lochstep. You and your demon companion travel the worlds and dance for drinking money.


I actually work in that same industry, go Rosie the riveter. Tinker