Warlock name ideas?

How did you warlocks come up with your names? I really like word names (as you can see) but any warlock word name I seem to try always seems to be taken.


Try special characters. My warlock is an undead named guldaniel lol

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Make an undead one named Ghouldan.


Damn, Guldaniel


I wanted to be a Grand Maester Flash, but it was oddly taken.

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Random name generator.

Arawn, is the name of a Welsh god, I even got the guild name to match the name.

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Ghouldan thats a clever one


A combination of having a smart goth kids vocabulary and the fact Dunemaul is so under populated I can pretty much have any name I want.

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My O.G toon is a human warlock that I named Copperfield cause David Copperfield is one of the best magician/illusionists out there. I know pretty works better for a mage but whatever. With one of the allied races I created a horde warlock & named him Crowlee after the character on Supernatural, he’s a demon that becomes King of hell for awhile. I prefer names that are either funny or pop culture references.

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My gnome warlock is named “Freemount”, but she’s from Vanilla. Warlocks and Pallies had a quest with a mount reward. My Void Elf lock is “Annoythevoid”, which is a spoof of the old Domino’s commercials: “Avoid the Noid”.

It just came to me lol



10 characters

Honestly, i threw warlock into google translate (to latin) and Veneficus popped up and i loved it and it wasn’t taken…on my old server.

I can’t use it on my current server ):

(PS: the latin translation for “witch” is Venefica, which sounds equally great.)

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10 chars

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That’s actually a cool name :slight_smile:

Imaverjun ten characters

I like Stygimoloch. It’s a dinosaur named after “hell and a demon.”


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I just clicked “randomize” until I found a name I liked. But then again I like lore friendly names.

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