Warlock Metamorphosis Needs A Replacement

Well, them, too, but… green stuff can’t be all that good for the mind. Why do you think goblins are insane? Er, did I say that out loud? :smiley:


It’s great for your physique though.


Knowing how things go these days, the warlock would transform and be a pink unicorn with rainbows blowing out of the backside. Good luck though…hic!


For the last time, stay out of my closet!


He looked too nice. Gave him horns and the red robe he found in ragefire.

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Statement: I have had green fire for so long, that sometimes I forget that the orange fire looks good to. I mus process this recalled information.


I’d change the title though. He looks much too young to be an Elder lol

Personally, I’d give him the Predator title. If you don’t have that, I’d suggest Firelord, Netherlord, Flame Keeper or the Seeker, all of which are easy to obtain and you probably already have them all lol

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Personally I’m on Team “Red Fire is for Mages”, but I love the fact that we get a choice.

Most classes don’t have many options to help them fulfill their class fantasy. Warlocks at least have dozens of fantastic xmog options.
What you’re asking for is to get special character models like DH have. Not gonna happen, DH get special treatment as Blizzard’s special snowflake, it’s been their special snowflake for 4 years and it will be 4 years from now.

When they got high on energy back in the mop days didn’t they grow horns if they hadn’t transformed yet? Pretty sure that was a thing

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No, what I’m asking for is something like the Druid Treant form, using a model that’s already in-game to give us the proper fantasy of using Fel Magic.


Statement: Green is most definately more iconic. I think I have seen green fire for so long on my own warlock that the red fire seemed almost new and exciting.

activating laugh.exe


Most of the good ones are level locked, so he’ll be a Seeker for now.

He’ll have green fire once he gets to that level and the tome is being nice. XD

[edit] Also haven’t run into any anti-fox squads. :thinking:


I laughed at the “meanwhile us” LOL

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Das one thicc demon :stuck_out_tongue:

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I chose Demonology when I made my first Warlock even though it was a garbage spec. It was fun. Like super fun to build resource and change then see how much damage I could do and how long I could prolong the metamorphosis. I loved it!

Then they took it all away. Warlock isn’t fun anymore. At all. They need to revert this change and put Demonology back like it was in MoP.


That just sounds like snowflake treatment with extra steps.

I love it! Yes, we could use some more customization. Honestly, now that I think of it, each class could use at least one customization that is unique to their class.

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No, it’s actually fair treatment with one step.

Fel users get Fel mutations. That’s established lore.

My suggestion is literally the easiest laziest way they could achieve that.

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So, this means we can opt to ensure the cata’s flame kitty druid apperance has gets removed as well right? Only fair, cant have specific cosmetics.

Cosmetics are op.

But ill expand my 3mil gold offer that was said to mr. Edgy orc monk.

Will even move that toon to your server if i have too.