Warlock Metamorphosis Needs A Replacement

Seriously now. No jokes. No “Demon Hunter rage”. Just straight facts.

You know that thing about “showing, not telling”? Well, current day Warlocks have a problem with that.

Warlocks are supposed to be Fel Magic users. Supposed to. But the game doesn’t show us that.

Sure, we have green spells. So do Monks and Druids. Green spells don’t necessarily mean Fel Magic.

But then what does?

“Whatever the case, willing or not, a creature is transformed into a demon when its body is saturated with fel energy.”
-Warcraft Encyclopedia

“All creatures who use the power of fel magic, willingly or otherwise, slowly take on the appearance of demons.”
-Dungeon Journal, The Maker

The main characteristic of Fel Magic is mutating the user into a Demon over time.

And the first signals of mutation can appear quite fast. The Highmountain Tauren Warlocks started to look like this as soon as they began Warlocking.

Warlocks do have a Talent called “Demon Skin”, that mutates your skin into harder Demonic Flesh that doesn’t “part so easily”, as a Legion Felguard would say.

But this Talent has no animation, no model, no cosmetic change. It’s just a passive. You tell me I’m mutating, but you don’t show me that. You could as well name that talent “Thicker Robes”.

So the way things are, I don’t feel like a Warlock.

Warlock NPCs are full of horns and spikes with mutant skin and things glowing green.

Even the good guy Warlocks in the Warlock Class Hall are somewhat mutated. Ritssyn has a fel flaming head. Shinfel is a green Blood Elf. Kanrethad still has Metamorphosis lol

Meanwhile, us:

So what would be an acceptable solution? Do I want Meta back?

Frankly, not.

But I want something.

Here’s my suggestion: A cosmetic OPTIONAL shapeshifting Demon Form similar to the Druid Treant Form for ALL Warlocks, not just Demo. No benefits beyond looking cool.

Why all Warlocks? To accommodate people who changed specs due to the shift in Demonology’s theme from personal power to being a weak caster who summons an army of weak minions to dogpile on the opponent.

Even Kanrethad is now considered an Affliction Warlock now because of Demo’s shift in theme.


Very much needed great idea.


No, Demo lock is great and fun as it is, no need. It fits more the spec name now.

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No it doesn’t.

dEaL wItH iT!1!

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Was this you who asked this mortis? The dudes name is the same.


Go get em Mortis!

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I remember old demo locks. Mainly always remembered being surprised when someone actually played demo lock.


But Ritssyn is because he surfed on Ragnaros’ lava wave.

And Shinfel because she was partially corrupted during Cho’gall’s fight.


Ragnaros’ fire is red. Ritssyn’s is green. Also being burned doesn’t make your head emit fire forever. It just gives you horrible painful scars lol

Then why isn’t she purple?

It is mentioned in the legacy of the masters.

I neither confirm nor deny my old twitter handle (now retired because I stopped using twitter years ago, around the time when Loreology stopped answering WoW Lore questions on Twitter lol)


I know. I read the book. I’m literally a MoP Green Fire Warlock lol

But the stories in that book don’t explain their in-game appearance. It just explains their favored specs.

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Mortisssss what race should my destro lock be? I’m having so much issues finding one that clicks. T___T

I’d say Blood Elf (with green eyes), Orc, Undead (with face spikes), Worgen (with green eyes) all look good.

The important thing is not to pick Void Elf, because Void Elves are Affliction-Locked in my eyes lol

100% agree I would love some more demonic options or stylization for us warlock classes. Nothing wrong with some more cosmetic treatments. You’re solution would be easiest, but it would also be cool to get some demonic skins in the customization side of things if you pick the warlock class, but then it would feel unfair to people probably since everyone will want class themed skins. You have my support and Nazragrim’s as well!


Yes here, here!



I don’t want demo meta back in any way possible but I’m all for pure cosmetics.

Why not give some custom fel stuff.


Part of the legacy of the masters part 1:

“It is true, pink skin, I was there when the Firelord was vanquished. The intensity of his flame was unlike anything you can imagine.” the burning glow of Ritssyn’s eyes cast eerie shadows over his burn-scarred face and thick-tusked grin.

Shinfel’s blood had been corrupted during the fight with Cho’gall and her arms were now covered in black marks left behind by the corruption that had erupted from her skin. The experience had only served to increase the intensity of her sadism.

Shinfel’s example is more objective, but you could extrapolate that the magical “scarring” she suffered is equivalent to the Butt Cinders guy. And that is why he is set ablaze.

Nevertheless, I’d be in favor of a scarring mechanic in the game. Maybe attached to titles?

Edit: By the way, warlocks used to have that sort of mechanic with burning embers and demonic fury. Demonic fury made you grow horns, while burning embers set you on fire.


So, not a murderfluff? (Vulpera)
