Warlock LF SL Raiding Guild


I’m a recently returned player looking to get a fresh start with Shadowlands. I’ve been back for about 3-4 months now, but due to the expansion basically being over I decided to just play casually and then kick it into gear with Shadowlands.

Raiding Experience
I’ve been playing WoW since Vanilla (about 2 months before BG’s were introduced) but I decided to start over fresh with this account.

I cleared the majority of the Vanilla/BC/WotLK content but my main focus back then was just PvPing. Towards the end of WotLK, I decided to reroll as a Prot Paladin and I became the MT with my guild through Cata and cleared everything on Heroic except for Spine/DW (dead server). My guild died shortly after that, and I decided it was time for a change and reroll as a Hunter and Warlock.

On my Hunter and Warlock, I was able to clear all of the CM content and everything on Heroic difficulty, including Garrosh, before Mythic was introduced with Game Over on Proudmoore. Shortly after WoD came out, I ended up having some deaths in my family and decided to take a break from the game and I’m just now finally getting back into WoW.

I have experience playing multiple classes (warrior, rogue, warlock, mage, hunter, paladin, and shadow priest) and as a tank/dps (hate healing), but obviously all of my experience is from several years ago. I’m not looking to jump right into Mythic (unless I’m given a shot) but I’m looking for a guild that wants to clear content on heroic and move into Mythic.

With the discounts on services going on, I definitely don’t mind changing servers if it’s worth it, but I would prefer to stay Horde.

Raid Times
I’m looking for a guild that raids during the week, preferably Tuesday-Thursday. As far as the actual times, I live on the east coast so my hard stop would be 1 AM.

If you think we would be a good fit, you can either reach me here, in-game or through bnet (tmbryant91#11847).

HELLO! Please Check out Call of Booty…

is a raiding guild ran by a close knit group of friends, looking for New Raiders for Shadowlands that are looking to be cutting edge all xpac long also looking to run M+ and some PVP, A raiding focused guild looking for quality members and overall good people!!

Feel free to contact me with questions / recruitment.

Discord: Muralator#5184
Battlenet: Blazer#1872