Warlock LF Guild

Hello! Im new to the realm and looking for a home to raid with im a fresh demo warlock (at time of making this post i am 187 ilv or 3.8kgs currently working on gearing up) I have been playing wow since original TBC and been raiding since Cata i have full Uld exp and hardmode exp on every boss with the expectations of Mim and Yogg but im a fast learner, id like to be part of a guild that takes raiding seriously enough to down hardmodes/heroic weekly (i understand with my current gs thats a tall ask but gs is something im working on, also willing to wait for a raid spot till i reach x gs) btag is Winterwolf#1304 or in game name is Winterwullf

Forgot to mention but im open to doing a trial run to make sure im a fit for the guild and vice versa alsso willing to go aff or destro if required