Warlock LF AOTC Guild EST

Hello, thanks for taking the time to read!

Like the title says, looking for an Eastern based AOTC guild for DF. I’m in Atlantic Canada so I’m an hour ahead of EST so hours ideally wouldn’t be running past 11pm EST. Faction doesn’t matter to me, server doesn’t matter much as long as the pop is high and it is an eastern based one (I’m on during the day a lot and find PST servers are completely dead at that point).

I’ve played every spec in raid and gotten at least KSM on each spec as well as pushing 20+ on demo and aff. I’ve been playing seriously since WotLK and prior to maining lock I’ve mained holy/ret pally, holy/disc priest, resto/feral druid for at least a full expansion each. Swapped to DPS full-time in BFA.

As for myself, mid-30’s professional with a wife and daughter. Outside of WoW I collect records and enjoy hiking with my wife. Laid back and not looking for drama. Can handle a joke but that also doesn’t mean I want to surround myself with bigots.

If it seems like a good fit please feel free to respond here or add me on Discord. Corlando#6470

We are an AOTC and Mythic + focused guild looking to achieve Keystone Master each season. Our founding members have raided since Vanilla/TBC, some in top server 1st guilds. Current roster consists of age 18+ members with mature language and crude jokes from time to time.

Although our general guild atmosphere is fun and lighthearted, we do take our raids, dungeons, and our members time seriously so in order to remain a part of the raid team or be invited to high end dungeon keys players need to show a consistent high level of performance. We expect all raiders and dungeoneers to know their class and come prepared (cauldrons and feasts provided in raid).

Raid Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30 -10:00 PM
Mythic + Keys ran throughout the week and have no set schedule.

Discord :


I think we’d be a good fit for you. Around the same demographic and goals for DF. Take a look at my recruitment post if you get a minute and reach out if you have questions or would like to chat. My contact info is near the bottom.

Good morning Spoopy!

Elysian Sodality was founded in 2011 and is an Alliance guild on Sargeras, which is CST, not EST, but we have a good mix of people who live in both time zones. You didn’t mention if horde was a requirement, so I thought I would give it a shot. We are a smaller, family-friendly chat type of guild with a great group of laid-back members who have a healthy mix of playstyles. Most of us have kids and jobs.

We will be raiding one night per week - Thursdays from 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST, which sounds like it would fit your schedule. No trial process or minimum log-in requirements, we are AotC focused, no mythic raiding. There are around 25 people signed up to raid, we still have room for a warlock, DK, shadow priest and potentially a warrior. We respect each other’s time, everyone is expected to meet minimum gear reqs for raiding, including enchants, pots, etc…

If it sounds like we might be a good fit, please feel free to add my btag and I will try to answer any questions you might have. Anna#1862.

Hi Spoopymulder!

I think you would be a great addition to our guild and community, Found a Green Quest! If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Thursdays (7:30pm-10pm EST) and are interested in building up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.

Let Kiuayoukai or Vathorean, know if you’re interested!

Discord Kiuayoukai#2395
Battle.net Kiua#1912
Discord Nightraven2015#7854
Battle.net DrDruid#1321

Just Vibin is a newly formed guild on Area 52 that is recruiting for Dragonflight. The focus of the guild is AOTC/Heroic raiding and KSM/Mythic plus. We are accepting casual players as well as people pushing Mythic+

Our raiding times are Friday/Saturday from 7pm to 10pm EST
We want to build a good core team. We are willing to look at exceptional people of all classes. You can also join the guild to hang out
If you would like to know more or have questions you can reach me on Bnet or discord.
Bnet - Sypid#11196
Discord - Momoh#6613

Thanks for the responses everyone. Was still looking, mainly wanted an already established guild that is clearing heroic content each tier with a strong mythic+ base!

hello spoopymulder

Children of Mayhem, is a Spinebreaker Alliance guild that engages primarily in raiding and M+ content. In season three we were top 10 alliance guild with Sepulcher of the First Ones AOTC.

(Cross-realm and cross-faction trials welcome!)

7:00-10:00 CST, WED/Thurs.

Looking For:

  • Warlock and Shaman
  • Any DPS with tank/healer OS (or vice-versa)
  • Misc. RDPS/Melee DPS
  • A potential Evoker enjoyer

(Our raid tank slots are all filled at this time, though qualified parties will be considered regardless.)

Though all classes are welcome to apply, especially for M+ content - the above are specifically requested due to gaps in armor type/weapon usage, or specific utility we would like to have going forward.

Our current raid roster consists of a blend of raiders and M+ enjoyers with the unambitious goal of AOTC and keystone master. More importantly, we’re a group of friends who just want to play this horrible game together, progress through content, and have a good time - and we are always looking for more qualified members.

Our raid times are 7:00pm to no later than 10:00pm CST on WED/Thurs, with possible non-mandatory weekend raid days in the event that a weekday raid night is canceled or otherwise not feasible.

We have no current plans for any SL S4 content, nor expect anyone to do anything until the first M zero week in DF.

Contact me:

If you have any questions or inquiries, or are interested in joining , feel free to reach out to me at any time via Discord or Bnet!

Bnet Thyrax#1884
Discord Fyrea#5777

Dark Exiles is a newly founded guild on Bleeding Hollow, with a experience leadership that are veteran raiders and M+ players.

We are looking for members who are interested in PvE content, such as mythic plus, as well as mythic raiding.

Our heroic raid group achieved 9/10 FHCN, 7/10 FHSOD, and 6/12 FHSOTFO. This team raids Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30PM Eastern Standard Time. The only thing keeping us from attempting mythic bosses is our lack of members. Our heroic group is looking for dps and healers who are flexible swapping between heals/dps.

We have a second group forming for Dragonflight that will raid 6pm-9pm EST, Tuesday Wednesday.

What are your plans for Dragonflight?
At the beginning of Dragonflight we will not have a designated raid end time for our 7:30PM group, and we will be raiding nightly the first week or two. We will pug who we need to to fill missing roles so we can push content. Our goal is to full clear normal the first week, with most of heroic and possibly a few mythic bosses. We will continue raiding nightly until Christmas, and will go back to raiding on Tuesday/Thursday 7:30-10:30PM Eastern Standard Time.

Also, with the new complexities of Dragonflight crafting, we are working on getting specialized crafters set up in our guild Discord. We would love to have players who are interested in working their specialization around for the guild, so we can support each other with gear and crafted items.

What if I am new to the game and have never raided or done M+?
We built this guild up from scratch. Many of our players were new to Shadowlands, undergeared, never raided, or were brand new players to WoW in general. I am extremely impressed with our leadership team, as when we started raided our raiders were barely able to clear normal raids, and now we almost have all heroic bosses on farm.

I am very confident that we will be able to teach more players how to raid and be successful, and we find great satisfaction in gearing players and bringing them up to preform at high levels.

Why join Dark Exiles?

  • We have a quickly growing community that supports each other to do content such as leveling, quests, M+, raids, achievements, mounts, and pet farming. There is always something to do and usually no lack of people in the guild willing to help you.
  • We have weekly events where you can win gold prizes, such as transmog competitions, fresh character races, and scheduled achievement runs.
  • We have an active Discord where we share pictures of our pets, guild achievements, transmogs, and post important information, as well as hang out in voice channels!

If you are interested in joining, please feel free to add me!
Discord: Drummerthing#5497
Battletag: Drummerthing#1906

Sent you a discord friend request!

Hi Spoopymulder,

We could be the right guild for you, gonna send you a discord request.

Clan Seppuku is sweet 16 and driving our 1993 Astro van, join us as we follow lvl 60 ETC on tour living off of stale beer and chips.

Cross faction play encouraged, and looking forward to cross faction guilds when its a thing.

We are a World 2st™(pronounced “toost”) inclusive guild that does AotC, M+ for funzies, lotteries, raffles, Darts, hide n seek, TONK WARS, and so much room for activities. We are not a Mythic raid guild, been there done that, not worth the burn out.

Our 3 raid teams will be recruiting for Dragonflight raiding beginning officially in January, we all have real lives and there are holidays coming up.

Tentative raid schedule is as follows

Team 1
Tues 8pm-10pm
Sun 730pm-930pm

Team 2
Wed + Thurs 10pm-12am

Team 3
Fri + Sat 9pm-11pm

All raid times are EST

We are also looking for social members. It’s not all about raiding.

We do M+ every Monday to get anyone who needs a key completed for the week. Push groups will be forming on their own as logistics allow it

We are a ZERO drama guild. No Political or Religious discussions in public chats, it’s too divisive and we all know Garrosh was a chad, and Light Zealots are out of their minds.

Join our cross server community - “Clan Seppuku Cross Faction Dalaran” for additional info
Or apply directly in game on Dalaran-US(horde only at this time) put WoW forums in your application comment section.

Contact info
Wraist - GM - btag Wraist#1129
Arcanepet - Officer -btag Petrubo#1763