Hello, thanks for taking the time to read!
Like the title says, looking for an Eastern based AOTC guild for DF. I’m in Atlantic Canada so I’m an hour ahead of EST so hours ideally wouldn’t be running past 11pm EST. Faction doesn’t matter to me, server doesn’t matter much as long as the pop is high and it is an eastern based one (I’m on during the day a lot and find PST servers are completely dead at that point).
I’ve played every spec in raid and gotten at least KSM on each spec as well as pushing 20+ on demo and aff. I’ve been playing seriously since WotLK and prior to maining lock I’ve mained holy/ret pally, holy/disc priest, resto/feral druid for at least a full expansion each. Swapped to DPS full-time in BFA.
As for myself, mid-30’s professional with a wife and daughter. Outside of WoW I collect records and enjoy hiking with my wife. Laid back and not looking for drama. Can handle a joke but that also doesn’t mean I want to surround myself with bigots.
If it seems like a good fit please feel free to respond here or add me on Discord. Corlando#6470