This class kill all the thing so slower than mage and cant do anything the mage can i am level 46 on tbe warlock what is the point to keep level is is a mistake
Health stones are pretty handy.
yeah, warlock’s terrible, reroll
Does it get better this is feel like mistake
Are you playing affliction or destruction? If you are affliction, you will be killing stuff non-stop, 2 and 3 at a time.
You get a unique Mount. People love a Warlock with the Summons. Soulstoning the Healers is quite helpful. Other people mentioned the Health Stones, already. Plus, you get a Pet. Mages don’t, in Classic. Warlocks do.
Warlocks are fantastic once ZG gear becomes available for raiding, for leveling it is one of the easiest classes to level and play, for PVP you are an absolute monster once you have even a little bit of gear.
Warlocks are a fantastic class, if you are having trouble, you should consult a leveling guide possibly and find out what the issue is. Level as affliction, get a good wand, dot up targets and wand, do not shadow bolt, you will have too much down time with the spell casts and mana regen. I could give an in depth guide bit, I highly recommend consulting a leveling guide.
Staysafe TV did a decent one on youtube, it is 12 minutes long, and no matter what people’s opinion of him the video is serviceable enough.
I think the biggest issue people have with casters is not using weapons. It’s one thing in pvp when you are trying to burst people down, but in PvE it is all about being able to sustain the highest output possible. Warlocks come out way ahead of mages in that regard; even if they can’t AoE grind as effectively. Wands do really good damage for free.
There are reasons to play a warlock over a mage. For example, a properly-specced warlock can go from kill to kill without any downtime at all. A mage will have to spend a lot of time drinking between kills.
Also, warlocks tend to be able to kill stuff that mages can’t. Between dots, fear, creative use of pathing, and such a warlock can kill things that are elite pretty easily. This is especially true if they are demons, enslave one and have it attack another. Kill one, release the enslaved, kill it.
Then there’s summoning, healthstones, and soulstones. Amazing tools for a group. The curses are great debuffs too.
Both mages and warlocks have their pros and cons, you can’t really say one is better over the other.
Not for warlocks, really. At lower levels it can be good for a warlock to use a wand but there are no talents to boost wand damage. So at higher levels you’re often better off using your time between casts to do a drain life or a lifetap.
If you’re specced affliction you’ll do more damage than using a wand and you’ll end up nearly full with health and mana. Plus you can proc Nightfall and get a good DPS burst through it.
Priests and mages get much more milage out of a wand than warlocks do.
I can see where you are coming from and yes for affliction using a wand is redundant. However for other specs it definitely has it’s uses to improve sustain regardless.
Warlocks are one of the easiest classes to level
Warlocks are competitive with mages if geared right at entry level raids
Warlocks are BEASTS end game once ZG comes out.
Warlocks are a battleground terrorist.
You picked the meta class imo - just while leveling you will be near the bottom on dps. The spec to get good dps sucks for leveling.
If you don’t like warlocks, don’t play one? Plenty of people love them. Been my main since vanilla.
Its you, Locks are literally the most OP busted class pvp wise in wow once you get a little bit of gear.
Warrior is a close second and might be the top with how atrocious leeway and spell batching is.
I’ve seen multiple 10+ mage mc’s.
Were everywhere. If you find a guild that fits you and “needs” another mage good for you
For leveling is someone gonna link Dive’s Drain Tanking guide for this poor soul?
edit oop found it again
Drain tank with +shadow gear… with dark pact your a leveling monster with a mana battery.
Oh no, another poor soul who was told that 4% spell hit is going to double his DPS.
I think you’re not appreciating how Warlocks scale.
Pure Shadow Bolt spam scales slightly better than pure Fireball (or Frostbolt) spam.
However, the reason scaling issues are spell hit and mana management.
Mages cap spell hit against trash from talents. That means any additional spell hit doesn’t help them at all on trash - it’s only worthwhile against raid bosses. In contrast, Warlocks will get another +6% against trash and need +16% against bosses - giving them a higher ceiling for when spell hit ceases to have value.
The mana management is an even bigger concern. Mages pretty much nuke straight out, with a cooldown/potion use. Warlocks run out of mana fairly quickly and then are stuck in a cycle of nukes followed by Life Tap.
This makes Intelligence of limited value to Mages but decent value for Warlocks. Since both are stuck with Intelligence on gear whether or not they want it, this is a significant advantage.
Couple that with the fact that increasing spellpower also increases the Life Tap/Nuke cycle. Right now, a pre-raid BiS Warlock has a 2:1 cycle - this constitutes ~25% reduction in damage from not having to Life Tap. A 3:1 cycle drops it to ~17% reduction.
There are a lot of other potential factors, depending on how you want to approach the Warlock. But while the individual advantages may be low, the fact that Warlocks tend to get more out of every stat than Mages means that they steadily out-scale them.
Can you banish? Because without banished gl on mc. AND once we get some decent hit gear we will be the kings and queens of raids.