Warlock is the worst class?

Warlocks are terrible. Re roll.

I hate warlocks.


Classic wow isnt exclusively about dps.
While mages will tend to pull ahead of locks in dps, locks do provide some great utility, ie banish, soulstones, healthstones, summons and etc etc.
Locks are also infamous for playing the tank role in some encounters

Uhh, in phase 2 when most warlocks were rocking 0% spell hit…they could still parse really high, very competitively with mages. Even though some spell hit was available it was better to just stack SP anyway. Now with phase 3 out they are starting to get a little more hit, about 4% with full BiS. Give or take a few depending on what you consider BiS as everyone seems to have differing opinions.

In phase 4 (ZG) once they are wearing full BiS they could be rocking up to 12% spell hit, not saying they will be topping the meters constantly, but you can’t dismiss a 0 to 12% increase in spell hit like it’s nothing lol. Quite a bit more than “4%”, and let’s be honest, as easy as this game is BiS is not difficult to obtain. Just need to show up on raid nights and be a pro at /roll

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‘Drakedog enters chat.’

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I would say stick with it all classes have ups and downs. Just personal opinion I got trapped into nitpicking everything and would re-rolling all the time. But hey if you like to do that then go for it enjoy your time spent.:space_invader:

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additional 4% hit (minimum), as there are non-Bloodvine items with +hit, as well as some added in BWL.

Its actually possible for a warlock to get pretty close to the effective Vanilla hit cap (AFAIR, there are not enough items to hit the actual hit cap, no matter what)

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I found killing elites was easy on a mage as well. Go frost, profit.

You are correct, you can only go to 99% chance to hit. There is 1% chance to miss no matter what gear you wear. This wasnt removed until TBC

A warlock can push 3 buttons from far away and then walk away if they wanted to and I would still slowly die cause I can’t bandage while DoT’s are on me and eating food doesnt heal me enough. Or they can throw in a couple shadow bolts on top of it to make things a little quicker :slight_smile:

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Why would they do that? They like it when people squirm helplessly.

My warlock is 49, and while it’s definitely a different experience than mage, (EDIT: oops) I don’t have that much trouble. I will say that it is harder to run away when things go sideways, but soulstones can make death less painful if you get out of the hotspot in time.

I kill my things quickly enough, and keep going, life tapping if I need mana, letting siphon life passively heal, or using death coil and drain health to bring my life back up, and am often pulling my next mob as the prior one dies.

A mage kills everything it took them time to gather up, and sits down to eat and drink because both their mana and their health are almost gone. If you like conjuring food and water and sitting to eat and drink constantly, then mage may be better for you.

I do see some warlocks having trouble, though. Often they make generic mistakes like failing to life tap until they’re almost out of mana, but siphon life and drain life when life is at 100%. Or they think blueberry is a tank who will hold threat off them, and then they spend more time backpedaling or trying to run than calmly building up the dots that are their bread and butter.

Mage is also missing stuff from warlocks.

battle rez + summon + can tank mobs sometimes + underwater breathing + cheap mount

If you don’t like it, don’t play it.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time playing warlock on pservers and in retail…Classic is the first time I played mage instead. Go****n I wish I had a warlock instead of a mage in Classic.

Not to mention that having a pet means that downranking shadowbolt means similar damage and efficiency to frostbolt minus the +hit of course. I guess they still have CoS though…

It wasn’t removed until they removed hit.

It was definitely in TBC.

What im referring to is that i dont think its possible, no matter what, to get enough +hit to hit the cap in Classic. I think the best you can do is ~11 or 12% hit, which isn’t enough to hit the effective 99% cap (which is 15% hit)

OP you had me fooled. Thought this was a retail thread.

Warlocks are broken. They have decent damage, portals, aoe, and fear that lasts until you die from dots :upside_down_face:

Yep warlocks are bad reroll.

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In Classic I have a 40 mage and a 40 warlock. I enjoy them both. In groups they are very similar: for AE the warlock has rain of fire, the mage has blizzard. They each have a variety of special talents.

When soloing my warlock makes it easy. I use the VW as my tanking pet, and pretty much play it like a hunter. But my VW holds aggro better than my hunter pets, and I have more variety in my ranged dps.

Even at 40 I still use some wands (29 dps 3 types right now), though I do better damage with spells. My spells are mostly shadow damage, so I wear +119 shadow gear.