Warlock is currently not good in M+

Playing three toons at the current time.

Druid I swap between the two dps specs to just mix it up, both seem to do well enough pending the pace the dungeon is pulled.

Warrior Fury spec. One thing I can tell is when I hit my “big dps” button I feel it, I can’t say the same for Feral, Berserk doesn’t feel as impactful. Celestial Alignment while fun and visually awesome suffers from the 3 min cd and needs a way to reduce that down.

That is what makes Fury so fun, the spec just supports it self and the more you swing, the faster the CD’s come back up. Pressing them more often and its just compounding interest. < High APM so not for everybody.

Lastly my Lock, I love the thematic, the class lore < “looking at you now Tauren locks hmm”, the armor, the colors, the new pet(s) < Missing you Illyrog . But when it comes to M+ the stop to cast when pulls are nonstop make it harder to perform. < Skill issue maybe but in pugland every tank is different so its harder to get a muscle memory routine.

Demo is great on bosses, Aff even does ok but its boss or bust. Destro has the chance to be good, but how long do the adds live? Did the tank move mobs out of rain of fire < Could use a better ground animation, think Blizzard with its faint blue circle so tanks can “tell”.

So locks are for sure missing the “it” factor Great in raid, but M+ the speed and pace of it just isn’t designed with a lock in mind outside of extremely talented.

it was overall. I think you do not know what you are talking about.
Cds up a warlock of 444 can hit 700k-800k even w/o an aug
But after that cd window, we are doing tank damage as was before.
So obviously it was overall.
And if you make errors it is just punishing. way way hard


yeah, my 430mage is already out-dps my 445warlock by a large margin, warlock is ONLY viable in raid on single target, its a joke in mythic+

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What key level? No doubt Warlock struggles in comparison. But its a class that starts to shine in high keys.

16 to 20, yea I know warlock can pump in hight keys with planed routings with tank power infusion and a evoker, but no, not pugs

I did 220k over all last night in a pug 24 uld playing afflic no PI