Warlock is a joke

RMX is even worse on ladder cause you can stack more vers for conflict due to higher corruption. Listen, I’m not here to defend RMX or bash it. I came here to post about warlocks and how busted they are and somehow a discussion of combustion vs dark soul (hilarious btw) is now spawned into the merits of RMX this season.

Its still a decent comp but its not busted or S Tier for that matter. GGs later babies.

youre actually an idiot. it is busted S-tier. youre just a bad player lol,


RMX is god tier… wym it’s bad?

Ya rogue mage is insane lol. Ya destro is more busted and brainless but don’t think for a second that rogue mage isn’t also insane.

Delete destro. Can at least enjoy the rest of bfa

Destro is the biggest joke this game has ever seen. Totally broken from top to bottom.

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Hoping to see big Hotfixes go live for the next reset FIXING Destro. This isn’t balance changes this is an outright FIX to how broken they are.

In this expansion pvp is a joke, it has never felt as completely mindless and gear based as it is now, there is honestly no fun in it unless you actually enjoy rng numbers flashing on your screen.

Having it be gear based is fine. Having Destro be able to stack anything they want and be broken OP is not fine.

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Worries me what the world is coming to when people are ok with skill taking a back seat to gear. (is it just me or do there seem to be a lot choosing to post as “classic” toons that have no armory and therefore anonymous? I find it silly in an arena thread)

What worries me more is people wanting Gear to not have a huge impact in an RPG game. A game where the whole point is getting BiS gear then owning it up. Call me crazy but that is why we have always enjoyed MMORPGs because we love getting really powerful gear then PvPing with it.

Removing the gear advantage is removing the reason to play an RPG and why I only stick to RPGs. If the gear isn’t interesting and extremely impactful its just not worth even playing the game. That is why Templates were a failure as it ruined PvP.

No one said skill shouldn’t be important. However you need to get Gear first to be able to test your skill. That is how this game and ALL RPG games have always been.

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Same type of people that enjoy pulling wings off flies because you are bigger then the fly, you are not the majority you’re just “wannabe” bullies lol We arent complaining about having gear, its that this expansion seems to be all about gear and skill doesn’t matter.

No it’s the same type of people that love RPG games. We aren’t bullies :man_facepalming: we just love RPGs and want gear to have a huge impact.

Yes the reason why the majority of players play this game is to attain Gear. They want to have the best Gear and it should give them an advantage. That is the whole point of playing an RPG. That is how World of Warcraft has always been since the beginning.

So your statements make no sense. If we didn’t want gear to matter we wouldn’t play RPG games. Maybe it is you who is in the wrong game and maybe a MOBA, FPS where you don’t have gear requirements is more suited for you. However don’t ruin this game by trying to make it into something it is not.

This game is a 2 step process getting gear to be competitive then using your skills with that gear. If you disagree you aren’t a fan of RPG games or World of Warcraft.

PS - Best RPG PVP game of all time was Diablo 2 that was many years of fun PKing and PvPing.

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I keep forgetting you are just a troll, my bad.

How is he trolling? Most people play this game to get gear because they love RPGs. If you don’t want gear to matter I have no idea why you play World of Warcraft. The best PvP ever in this game was TBC/Wrath when gear had a massive impact on gameplay. There will never be better PvP than those expansions. That is what I am waiting for. TBC servers so we can experience the best PvP of all time again. People will get globaled without enough gear and that is called balance.

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He enjoys coming across as a mindless idiot to get a rise out of people, its his “thing” I suppose. I do agree wotlk/bc were the best, we seem to remember it differently…I had fun and did decently without feeling I had to do pve content to get gear so I could compete in pvp, nor will I be doing pve on bc revisited servers but I will enjoy the pvp.

His name also offends me and I do report it “A-bomb a nation” yes the guys a clown and should be banned but that is what he enjoys, being a clown and annoying people. (maybe bliz doesn’t have smart enough people to understand why I find a name that suggests using atomic weapons on foreign countries offensive?)

C’mon, man, this is such a stretch. The only reason I’ve ever read the guy’s name like this was after you pointed it out, and I don’t think this is how it is read.

Outside of that, I agree with both partially. Gear should matter in an RPG, but not to the extend that it does now in BfA where it so outrageously tops skill on a lot of matchups.


It is how it is meant, abomination is the spelling of the word you think he means, trust me he means A-bomb a nation…its not a coincidence, maybe I could name myself after the goddess Isis? I doubt you live anywhere or have friends anywhere that live with the endless threat of that one superpower with its slightly nutso leader with all the A-bombs looming over you. Not like they have a very good record, they’ve used them twice and insist only they can be trusted with them lol

Stop being a pedantic little tattle tale. Blizzard is going to laugh in your face if you report his name, so please record your reaction.

Btw general discussion is :point_left: that way


ok I’ll name my next alt Isis in honor of that great goddess if they refuse to deal with this morons basic threat to world peace, I’m guessing you’re american and feel he’s cool for suggesting with his name this sort of action.