Warlock is a joke

Little snowflakes like that death knight is why this game goes to hell.

Abomination is what I read it as, sorry you get offended over a virtual name LULW
Imagine playing an RPG and not wanting your gear to actually matter, back in Classic people did the Rank 14 grind for the sole purpose of having a weapon to decimate people

Hell I decided to roll this fresh warlock to stack as much vers and mastery as possible and just laugh when I destroy lower geared people than me in a chaos bolt

Gearing and dominating with that gear is why most people play RPGs, it isn’t ‘‘to conquer challenges’’


Yikes… For fun a history lesson on my name. This character was made on Uldum and named Abombination in TBC. In WotLK I wanted to move to a PvP server and with everyone playing at that time on Darkspear with Dara Mactire becoming huge and the best PvPers in the world going there.

So it made sense that I should go to Darkspear but someone had my name. I really loved my name and had to alter is from Abombination to Abombanation to make the transfer and the rest is history.

Talk about trying to derail a thread with the most out of touch ideas maybe it’s because your name is Scandal. Go figure.

You must be a real fan of The People’s Champ but don’t worry The Abomb will keep fighting The Good Fight!

Now that we are caught up NERF DESTRO!!!

With a new name I hope.

You know there’s something broken in a comp when everyone in the tournament use and practice on ladder a counter comp only for a single comp in the game since all these years. RMX.

I will always be The Abomb. There is no changing that. It’s my name in every game I play and always will be. The People love their champion. All my Abombanites will support me in these dark times. Lets make positive changes together!!

Lets keep the focus on FIXING DESTRO. We can make this happen.

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Many comps have existed for years which much better success at winning blizzon. Go look at blizzcon champions, 90%+ are not RMX. RMX is also an extremely difficult comp to execute so while it may be historically a great composition, it takes good players to make it work at high levels.

People dont just practice counter comps for rmx, they practice counter comps for every comp they can lol

I don’t like war I am forever Pro peace since love is always the answer. So please try to tell me who I am based on your judgment of a pixled characters name in a game on the internet. Stop trolling francis.

Remember to spread love and joy everyone and the Devs can do this by NERFING Destro :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I will gladly take my original name that I had from TBC :joy:

Read that and thanks again for bumping the NERF DESTRO thread. You must be really bored.

For fun searching the name

Abombanation has 9 total characters with that name
Abombination has 22 total characters with that name.

The People’s Champ name is popular maybe approaching Swifty status soon.

it WAS* it hasnt been a skilled comp since mop/cata.


Weird how now Fire Mage and Destro are the mouth breathing mongoloids.

Nerf Destro and Fire please and thanks.

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Yea it is weird that Lock/Mage is the lowest skill cap now. Makes Turbo look 5 head.

Turbo is the skill comp compared to casters these day. We need those Destro/Fire nerfs now that the tournament is over.

This is true not to mention far more exciting to watch.

Well the chance at 6-16 hotfixes to correct the gamebreaking destro locks has come and gone. Guess we look at the next chance for this to happen on 6-23