Warlock is a joke

people who defend warlocks are flat earthers


yet somehow you find the grounds to insult my intelligence. I think it’s you, champ, that huge brain destro rotation must really be frying your reading comprehension

huh imagine that heckindoggo said something dumb to make himself seem clever! I’m soooOoooo shocked!


the fact that chaos bolt is a shorter cast than greater pyro is a joke. What’s even more of a joke is that greater pyro is being balanced in shadow lands but chaos bolt still has no cooldown. Its soo dumb. Locks have literally been trolling since classic but many complain because only 1 of their specs seems to be amazing at any given time.

So why not just make all 3 warlocks specs decent but not 2 under powered and 1 completely broken?

dude, what are you even saying.

Currently I don’t see that blizzard has any plans to nerf chaos bolt and give it a a 5-10 second cool down. It can be cast repeatedly, where as gpie has a long 15 sec cooldown in shadow lands and can’t be cast repeatedly. Chaos bolt needs a cooldown to be balanced with the mage nerfs. Its unfair.

Chaos Bolt doesn’t need a cooldown. What it needs is to not hit for over half of someone’s health under a 1s cast time.


its capped at 5. at one time. as soon as azerite/corruption is gone warlocks are actually in the gutter. look at how there class looks right now in alpha. also, mage will never be bad ever.

Sure, i think communication issue on the interrupt part. Every team has a stun, purge or magic defensive.

Mage - spellsteal + db
Rogue - Cloak + Kidney + Pistol +
Warrior - Spellreflect + Bolt
DK - AMS + AMZ + Asphyx
Shaman - Grounding + Purge
Priest - Purge + Silence + Stun
Pally - HoJ
Warlock - Fear + Coil + Shadowfury + Petstun + Consume Magic + Reflect
DH - Consume Magic + 2x Stuns

The list goes on. There are legitimately games where I don’t even expect to get more than a 2s combustion.

Comparing combustion to dark soul in arena is hilarious. No body “lines” the mage when he pops combustion. They can just stop it or trade out a defensive and live just fine. On warlock you run or die pretty much.


thats because you have a rogue making it so no one CAN line you. if you arent able to get your damage off im pretty sure your partner is just bad and you have bad positioning. because if youre pressing combust the healer 9/10 times should be in cc (primarily the ones purging it)

And then they AMZ the healer and in conflict in kidney you do 100 dmg. wowie, why do you think RMX is barely even showing in the tournment. Please stop.

what do you mean barely even showing in the tournament. half of EU is rmx are you brain dead?

almost every single team has a rogue variant or mage variant comp because of how strong it is when good players actually touch those god classes youre delusional bud.


What? There was one team that was successful with RMX and that was Method Black. How the is that half? Also, they had to use spites to win and thats getting nurfed Tuesday. I play RMX all the time, I know when it is good or not. It is not good this patch.

You’re delusional.

the best rmx in the world played rmx because they dont need to play anything else. because nothing beats it, its never been bad a single expac a single patch a single week in the entirety of world of warcraft. since day 1 rogue/mage/priest/pal/druid/mw/rsham has been viable in every expac. and just because right now the comp isnt like it was in legion and early bfa where you just randomly run at things because rogues are unstoppable juggernauts with the most cc and tools out of any melee class doesnt make the comp bad. it just makes the people who are bracket stuck unable to push. theres a reason why every one else who plays rogue mage at a high level arent on the forums defending it. its because its a tier 1 comp and always will be.


I dont think anyone defends comps on the forums at all. Its mainly complaining about classes lol

You’re high right now. “Dur half of EU is playing RMX”. JK let me backtrack and go back to the history of wow of when something was good to justify it not being as good now.

Wrath was dominated by DK/Pala in season five. DH/Boomkin dominated legion. There are plenty of seasons when RMX isn’t the top comp and this is one of them. Sure its competitive and still counters some comps but its not the best always. If you actually think this, you’re not a smart individual.

2008 winners of blizzcon WLD
2009 winners of blizzcon TSG
2010 winners of blizzcon Lock, Sham, Rdru
2011 winners of blizzcon PHD
2013 winners of blizzcon Lock, Sham, Rdru
2014 winners of blizzcon Lock, Sham, Rdru
2015 winners of blizzcon Turbo
… theres more non rmx winners beyond this.

(those are all the counters to rmx btw)

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Crazy. Rogue mage player doesn’t think rogue mage is good even though it’s objectively s tier.


small brain syndrome

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Rogue mage right now just isn’t so free so all the not very good rogue mage players don’t think it’s good.

S tier lulw. RMX doesn’t even have a 50% win rate in the tournament. Ask any top RMX player, this is not a good season for the comp with conflict major and versa stacking.


Also, stop comparing ladder to tournament. In 2008, the Miami Dolphins brought out a secret formation they have been preparing all off-season, the Wildcat. No team wanted to face them in the regular season, because it was such a curve ball during the regular season.

That same year, they didn’t do well in the play-offs at all, cause the way teams play changes. Just cause a comp doesn’t do well on tournament, doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the top two comps in the game, also Method EU will probably sweep most competition as RMX.