Warlock is a joke

Yeah, thats how it should be in theory. But they just do infinite damage and cc at all times, on top of 2 shotting people. Infernal alone does absurd damage just in and of itself.

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Combustion can be purged / spell stolen. No one is dying to combustion unless you legit don’t interupt/purge the entire duration.

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I love how warlocks are defending their class. YOU ARE TOP OF THE LADDER IN TWOS AND THREES.

Go check arenamate ffs


yeah idk about that. Unless you play lucid/bracers that doesnt happen very often.

Most people dont even play lucid major, and a lot of people seem to not be using mech bracers as often as before.

yo remixxed u my dog but fire mage is also stupid, I cant lie to u homie


I’ve seen conflag crit for 150k… That’s not insignificant. Infernal also does some mad damage.

Not disagreeing that the design is bad but they do a lot of damage all around.

Easily… All spammable instant cast spells. No joke combustion is probably scarier than dark soul. Shorter cd and non kickable damage.

Lol interrupt what? You basically don’t have to cast. And how many classes have purges? How many globals does it take to get it off when a healer is healing you?

Mage is almost as busted as lock. Seriously they play in how many insanely top tier comps?

It’s not a funny joke. Tell blizzard to cut it out.

How does doggo always come up with the dumbest whataboutisms and deflections for his stupidity it truly boggles my mind


SL/SL is not even that OP and besides its getting nerfed in WotLK. Keep getting pwned on noobs.

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big dam?

Is double maledict better than double spite to kill warlocks?

your infernal doing 40k dps and proccing 7 times a minute does a lot of damage.

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It is for Cupid with claw on priest.
Cupid doesn’t have the CC chains to really keep a lock in spite.

Hunter stun into, undispellable trap is at most 11 seconds. You can also root off that, but most play with a healer that can remove (MW/Pala).

Currently our bane is fighting PvE geared double locks. There’s no good way to deal with two dispel pets and staggering dark soul goes.

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lol I’ve lost 2v2 games vs destro where it went to 60% damp and they only got off 5 bolts the entire game. Infernals just slap you behind pillars and roaring blaze/conflag are enough to kill you while their rdruid can constantly restealth and rake stun you because their dps never needs healed.


You know the spec is stupid when even in lower bg bracket any lock that can press 3 buttons can triple any one else damage.

P.S. Need to remove improved chaos bolt from existence
Double P.S. Also include greater pyro. At least greater pyro has long cast.

Buff Enh and Ferals more. Then warrior comps will do well into mage teams also.


there are comps without purge and during combustion most of the damage is instant and not interruptable

I am so glad I rubbed you the wrong way at some point in time that you actively seek out my posts now to henpeck at me. It’s adorable.


always big dam

lol imagine thinking this when you indiscriminately spew your nonsense and somehow involve warlocks on every single balance thread. settle down, narcissus