Warlock is a joke

The only upside to Destro is I’ve seen substantially less RMX on the ladder.

Cupid actually feels good since most warlocks are awful (specially at 2300mmr). We just roll right over them with Maledict.

If the meta is 50% RMX Cupid is screwed.

how does this make sense when RMX does well into destro teams lol

mld is alot easier to play so people are running it instead on ladder

i agree excellent idea, i lost tabard of frost for the 3rd time today :frowning:

Smexxin and Mag said the same thing so

Warrior does good into lock and bad into mage so…

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Rip I got tabard of defender a few days ago

we can match oniichan

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they have what 3 or 4 schools? and 3 or 4 types of DRs?!

I’ll admit it, fire mage is good. There is no doubting that. But you’d be a fool to thing that warlock isn’t the top spec in the game right now. Go look at arena mate, top spec, destro no matter what rating you filter for. Data suggests this as does the broad community of players.

Not only is the spec insanely good, its simply not fun to queue into. At least playing other mages is fun for me.

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Any qts want to gift your favorite ret a tcg tabard :slight_smile:

Favorite ret he says lol

smexxin and magnus are the most salty biased idiots in the game. Their streams are just warrior crybaby safespaces

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Yep :slight_smile: super cool ret

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Wdym bro gotta throttle the cringies xddddd


remember smexxin saying the conflict bug shouldnt be fixed just because it affected his 2 main classes, ele and warrior?


Aww Bramot. How’s the recovery going? Who hurt you my man?

Destro locks :frowning:

:worried: Get well man

Best part is when they play together and Magnus tilts losing to Cdew. Magnus calls Cdew old af and washed meanwhile Smexx is 30+ just sitting there in voice.

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