Warlock Idle Casting Stance - Still waiting on it

Bumping to keep the dream alive. I’ve wanted them to implement this animation for years! What a slap in the face it was when they added it to the character creation screen but not actually in-game.


It really needs just more attention. More reaching out. I’ve tried, and tried again from BfA and scattered about on and off throughout the expansions and just gave up. Now it’s at the point I’m tired of seeing that animation taunt me, so I’m making better efforts to get more awareness on it.

My main issue is, I don’t have any connections to Blizz, top tier warlock players, or devs. If we want this implemented, more loud mouths are needed.

Saw your comment even in the Wowhead thread about the new lock changes. Respect for keeping the drive alive homie.


Still trying to keep this thread alive. Just need more voices.

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voice voice voice - more animations is always good even more since aff has so little

Affliction does need more animations. This idle stance has been long since overdue. We just need more people speaking out and gaining traction across the board to get this animation in.

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I think they should just make the character screen idle stance the same as mage. It looks better. But I don’t mind if they change it at all.

+1 to this - the animation even shows in the character creation screen when you’re making a new warlock. IMO it’s fine if this is just meant for the character creator, but some acknowledgement by Blizzard would be awesome.

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I’ve been trying to get acknowledgement from Blizzard in some degree, but my voice can only reach out so far. We need more people speaking on this animation not being in the game. The more who spread the word, the more difficult it is to miss this topic.

They can do it at some point regardless if we ask or not, since it’s already in the game. But if we don’t see people asking much about it it’s probably because they don’t mind it, or they like warlock’s current idle stance.

Bumping this thread to gain more traction.

I like to play darkspear warlocks sometimes (RP, yes) and I gotta say…

The cast stance they have now does not translate to a darkspear troll but the one they have in character selection really would.

And I’ve seen all the different expressions and appearances of all the races for that animation, too. It fits perfectly for warlocks instead of the causally calm style we currently have.

This just needs more attention and awareness. Clearly people want it in the game.

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Bumping to keep this thread alive.

Bumpy bump bump.