Warlock Hellcaller Wither Bug

Just confirm if its a bug/intentional please.

huge huge huge bug, needs fixing asap.

blizz ought to fix this in tomorrows patch at the very latest.

They put it in with the last round of hotfixes so shouldn’t be hard to fix.

10 characters for the bump

Really would appreciate to hear from blizz on this. This is a major deal as far as aff’s viability in raid is concerned and how prep goes. Sucks that this was noticed late friday/early sunday within 72 hours of raid release and we still haven’t heard back. Pitchforks aside, if the change is intended, would have really appreciated a post saying as much when it was made. Sliding it in this way will never be the way to go.

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I can’t see this being intentional. It negates two hero talents, one being major. If it was, it’s a HUGE mistake that needs to be addressed before the reset. Please!

this is so frustrating. how hard is it to put out a blue post addressing this at the very least? even if it’s a bug and they need time to investigate & fix it, it’s like a 5 minute task to just post and confirm if it’s unintentional.

I think it might be fixed?

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yep: Hellcaller stealth nerf? - #110 by Kaivax

Happy it’s been fixed! Good job everyone

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Awesome. I wish they reported fixing it. I was still thinking it was needing to be addressed. This is a huge relief.

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It was in the hotfix notes.