Warlock Hellcaller Wither Bug

I heard it’s Diabolic Ritual’s cooldown reduction, spending shards will only trigger said reduction every 5 seconds

Hope this gets fixed soon before raids

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I heard about Hellcaller, but ALSO Diabolist? Ouch, looks like I may have to go Soul Harvester Afflic if its the only thing not neutered by these stealth nerfs.

Plz confirm/address Blizz.

EDIT: I’m not seeing an ICD on Diabolist after doing a Delve and looking out for it.

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Blizz hot fix this already

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Please fix this. Really want to play my lock


Yeah this is a pretty big change to be made in “stealth”.


Hope someone at Blizz sheds some light on this tomorrow, feels awful to play.

also, the OP post says “.5” seconds but he means 5 seconds


Bumpin that like charli xcx

Fix thix

If this is intentional this has completely ruined my motivation to play. I feel sick


its not every .5 seconds its like every 5 seconds lol


This is such an L on Blizzard. Why would they do this to the Warlock community days before the season start? Do they have a loose canon Dev that hates Warlocks? Does blizzard in general hate Warlocks? I was so excited to sink my teeth into this class, now it is unplayable and frankly boring after this nerf. Will never understand their motives around nerfing warlocks. If anything they needed to be boosted.

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Insert blue post here HUrr DuRR Werking as intended

That’s usually what they say anyway bug or not, but if they haven’t replied to the thread by now that it’s a bug don’t expect them to acknowledge it with a fix.

The old lock dev loved locks but they canned him in legion for chaos bolt changes they ended up using later on anyway. Now we get to deal with bugs everywhere from in spec, to legion weapons, and to what we can transmog now. Speaking of legion, I still have the video of Ion “We just don’t want you to play that spec” to warlocks.

Please respond blizz intentional or a bug to be fixed?

Communication is needed.

Also the demo legion weapon skull is bugged having two at once.

Shameless self bug bump. :dracthyr_uwu:

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being able to transmog swords/daggers/wands is bugged too, can only do like ones now, and not even make them legion weapons anymore. Some BS they keep shafting locks.

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Really feels that way and it always seems we get bugs that seem to last a long time. No sense of urgency and feels like they don’t even notice.

It’s why I’m always so salty to them for that exact reasoning.

That’s why I think this is unintentional. Aff HC wasn’t even a top tier spec.

I was wondering why my locks damaged dropped almost in half, then I saw the “Wither Bug” vid. That can’t be right can it? I mean the raid starts TOMORROW.

Bump just to find out if it’s a bug or intentional

Bumping again; waiting for clarification.