Warlock Hellcaller Wither Bug

Since last patch wither is only generating stacks from shard spending every 0.5 seconds which is a possible unintentional massive nerf to the hero spec. Would like this looked into before the start of the season!


This better not be intentional. :unamused:

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Ohh yeah, definitely doing way less dps now in heroic dungeons.

About 200-300k less as someone else pointed out on the warlock class forum.

Hopefully its a bug, but, to the top for visibility!

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Can confirm this, about 200-300k less damage now.


5 second internal cool-down to applying a stack of wither has to be a bug, please fix before the season starts!

It has a huge ripple effect throughout the whole hellcaller talent tree reducing damage, zero fluidity and impossible to track/raise stacks in PvP too, wasting a shadow burn that won’t even raise a stack of blackened soul.

Outside of malevolence it’s impossible to raise the stacks, it also nerfs the flashpoint proc which is moderate as it was before this change


Bump for visibility… Tested in a few heroic dungeons, Lock is damn near unplayable now. Lost 2-300k dps and rotation feels terrible with no stacks. This HAS to be a bug bc if it’s intentional no one will play lock this season. All my other toons with more than 20ilvls less do way more damage now… Sad.


Looks like it’s Diabolist too with a ridiculous ICD added…

All 3 specs gutted.


Bumping this - please indicate if this is an enormous undocumented change or some spaghetti code?


Hoping we get some confirmation either way. I need to know if this is a bug or not because if its an intended change I’ve wasted a lot of time and am wasting my time currently preparing for the season because I sure as hell wont be playing with it like this.


Bump. Please fix (and fix our Skull of the Man’ari while your’e at it)

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what a way to kill the S1 release hype for me on warlock if this is intended, unreal.


This HAS to be a bug. No way a nerf that bad is intentional. Kills the whole spec.

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I have also noticed this! Hellcaller went from fun to ugh.

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I really hope this was unintentional. But either way, it would be nice to hear it from Blizzard.

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It would be nice to go one expac without Ion and his devs pissing on us.

Ion, i know you’re still salty about Xelnath but come on.

Half expecting you to make a video where you say “We don’t want you playing warlock.”

You already did that about Demo back in WoD.


we needs ta knoooooow what this is all aboot! send help!

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DW bud it will be crickets.

The next patch will take away our floating shards again cuz it hurts mage sunfury class fantasy.

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Which ability of diabolist? Ruination?

Only thing I’m seeing in the spelldata is a change of its proc flag, likely as a result of this:

  • Diabolist
    • Fixed an issue where you could not queue Hand of Gul’dan while casting Ruination.

If its causing other problems, that one might not be working properly.

Name             : Ruination (id=433885) [Spell Family (5)] 
Proc Flags       : ........ ........ ........ ........   ..x..... ........ ........ ........   
                 : Cast Successful

changed to

Name             : Ruination (id=433885) [Spell Family (5)] 
Hotfixed         : Proc Flags 1 (0 -> 65536), Proc Flags 2 (4 -> 0)
Proc Flags       : ........ ........ x....... ........   ........ ........ ........ ........   
                 : Magic Hostile Spell

If it’s really a 2-300k dps loss that’s like a 40% nerf?

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coming back around, to the top, see us

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