Warlock gear question

Level 40 warlock here, should I be trying to get the full shadoweave set?

If you’re a tailor, or have connections, there are certainly worse ways to go. All that +Shadow is going to be really nice for leveling.

You don’t have to but it’s nice to pick up between getting stronger gear. If it’s not too much of a gold sink for you then definitely pick up a few pieces, more damage has never hurt.

What would you recommend as weapon?

This stick is better than bacon:

Hypnotic blade from SM and Aquementas from Linken’s quest chain would be good to start you off too.

yeah the direct upgrade from hypnotic blade/orb is the staff from zf.

I got Hypnotic Blade from SM, and carried that into my 50s. I never actually attack with my dagger, anyways.

Anything with +Shadow or +Magic will do well for a leveling weapon, though.

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Thanks! I decided to buy the gear. Should I keep using it until i get more +spell damage gear or is there a certain amount of int/stam that becomes better than 12 shadow damage

Late game loot is gonna give you all of it so I wouldn’t worry too much. As far as pre-raid PvE content goes, as long as you’re managing your threat correctly the tank should never let you be put at risk of dying, so you’re free to stack all the damage you want. That being said, a PvP server is obviously a different circumstance; you absolutely want some survivability when you’re wandering out in the open, or you’re not even going to come out of anyone’s CC before you’re dead.

I’d mostly put it up to personal judgment as to what you think you need; are you clearing fast enough but you feel a little too squishy? Do you feel like your DPS isn’t as high as it should be for where you’re at? Ask questions like that while you’re gearing up and it’ll help you figure out what you need.

I wouldn’t. Waste of money imo to bother gearing when your leveling. It gets replaced to quickly to matter. Just save that for your epic mount.

If it’s an alt being supported by a main though, pull out all the stops.

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Is it really? I just got the zf staff and the hyp/orb combo has more int and sp while staff had more stam.

Not only yes, but +damage is your greatest stat the entire first 3 phases, until +hit gear becomes more relevant. I’ve done extensive testing and discovered crit and stats are nowhere in comparison to spell damage on a lock.


I’d get shadoweave for sure especially if it’s cheap. Maybe I’m unlucky, but I was still rocking a few pieces of it along with the SM dagger until 60. Some of it even made it to raids lol. Worth the investment imo. High level shadow wrath gear I wouldn’t bother with though, too expensive even though it’s “bis”

Depends on spec and situation. For instances, +shadow is almost always better. For open world, Int/Stam means you can grind longer using less food/drink, though once you start getting blues with +shadow they’re the ones you should pick. Only exception I’d make is resist gear. Fire Resist for MC/BWL, Nature Resist for AQ, Frost Resist for Naxx. You don’t need tank numbers for resistance, but having some fire resist will help you survive long enough when certain bosses AoE or explode random people, regardless of threat.

We’ll see how it is in BWL, but don’t bother with it in MC. Just go raw shadow damage. I have 0 fire resist. The only times I’ve died is when I get unlucky enough to hit by back to back abilities, even then I usually live through it. FR pots are a better option than sacrificing damage in MC imo.


A warlock should never sacrifice damage for fire Resist in MC. Your first aid, healthstones, and raid awareness are enough to keep you alive.

Secondly, the fact that you’re wearing your T1 shoulders means you don’t know what you’re talking about.

It means that I’m still working on building up my gear, since you can only raid so often due to lockouts, and my guild took a couple weeks off during the holidays.

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There is nothing wrong with warlock t1. It’s quite powerful in pvp.

Eh, some people log out in specific gear (not necessarily what they wear for combat) so that their avatars will look good.

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You can get a +30 shadowwrah green, or felcloth shoulders (+26sp) which are better than t1 for raiding. And they don’t drop in raids.

Outside of raiding I also wear my t1 set because it just looks cooler. But I swap gear in MC so I can do more deeps.