Warlock Dragonflight Talent Suggestion Thread

Implosion’s fine once you get the hang of the 5-3 shard HoG rotation. Having said that, I’m not sure HoG really needs a cast time.

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Warlock needs the drain life goes 100% faster and heals 100% more as a talent or they’re gonna be trash

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I have gathered my considerations, with a better idea of what the talent trees for DF stand to be, here is my toughts around what i would wish for DFlight Demonology Spec Tree.

I would find it amusing to see a ressurection of https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Decimation_(warlock_ability) around Demonbolts, something along the lines of.

  • When you cast Demon Bolt or Shadow bolt on a target bellow 25% health, you generate a Demon Core

This would work as a modernized version of Decimation, giving execute capacibilities to Demonology with making Demonbolt (2shards generator who deals double the shadowbolt damage) the permanent filler instead of the alternation of shadowbolt and Demonbolts that happen otherwise.

As a talent its also fantastic that it could work in any possible different demonology build, would be good on a demonbolt build due to more demonbolts, would be good on a summoner build because more soulshards.

I would also enjoy for them to bring Wilfreds in to the demeonology talent tree, but instead of its current CDR tied to shard spenditure, a flat 30s Cooldown Reduction like they plan to the new version of Unholy command and Army of the Dammed would be what i favor.

I would like to see the introduction of some form of “wild fire infusion” to Wild Imps, [4] bonus malicious imp and similar effects could be just it, bonus point for it to introduce different models and colors of Imps.

I would enjoy to have Inner Demons redesigned, remove the random demon proc, fully focus it towards Wild Imps in a 2-effect way, a reborn Glyph of Imp Swarm.

  1. Passive generation of Wild Imps every 12s, haste reduces the interval that Wild Imps are spawned.
  2. On Use CD effect, who quickly summon Wild Imps; THE CD/Quantity of Imps i am unsure, if this effect deactivates the effect n.1 i would like to see a bigger quantity of Imps; if it don’t deactivate effect n.1 a small quantity.

Reworked Nether Portal.

  • Positioned either as a choice node with Tyrant, or in such a way that you can’t pick both.
  • Nether Portal Generates 1 Charge every 10 seconds while it stays closed [Someone have also given the idea of tying it to Shard Spending something like Generates 1 charge after X soulshards are spent] , when Opened Nether Portal consumes 1 Charge every second Summoning a Random Demon.
  • The first Demon Summoned is always Prince Malchezar, but only 1 Prince Malchezar can stay active at once.
  • All Demons are relatively similar in strenght, with the exception of Malchezar who have a moderate advantage over the others.
  • The Nether Portal button is off the GCD, but its only function is opening and closing the Nether Portal.
  • Maximum amount of Shards is 12 or 15, on a wipe in raid it resets to 9, out of combat it builds itself up to 9 if bellow that and degenerates itself if above that.
  • The Portal closes automatically if the amount of charges hit 0.

This would create a Nether Portal who match Demonic Tyrant in any form of Cooldown, as a Charge System like this introduce a variable cooldown (a Nether Portal demon after 60s summon 6 demons; a Nether Portal after 90s summon 9 Demons; a Nether Portal After 120s Summon 12 Demons] this would work fantastic with a Demonic Tyrant who’s cooldown can be 60s (with Wilfred), 90s(without wilfred) while also giving some floating space; you could even play in a way where you treat it as a 10s CD who summon Malchezar/Random Demon but at the cost of being not as efficient with your CDs.

Reworked Sacrificed Souls.

I have more than one idea for this, but the objectives are to remove its negative synergies with Implosion, make it more themed around the name sacrificed souls(in 2 of the ideas) .

Idea 1: Stakable Buff generated when Demons vanish or Die (in theme with the name Sacrificed Souls), each stack have a independent duration (Like Niya Grove invigoration) and increase the damage of Shadow bolt and Demonbolt by 5%.
Idea 2: Same as Idea 1, but the buff is generated as you summon them.
Idea 3: Similar to 1 the stacks are generated as the demons vanish/die, but they have no duration, instead, Demonbolt consumes 25% of the current quantity[up to 25 stacks] of stacks on each use to increase its damage; Stronger Demons generate more stacks than weaker demons]

I would like to see Implosive Potential Legendary in the talent tree as a way to optimize AOE damage, but would like to see a few improvements on it.

  • The Single Target stacks and the AOE stacks are distinct buffs, that way one can’t reset the other.
  • The Single Target stacks are balanced in a way that the talent is still a small dps gain, but not as big as the AOE or as the bfa version [Explosive Potential] just a nice thing to make you cast faster and do Implosions in single target as something worth of it.

Borne of Blood Conduit and Carnivorous Stalkers conduit should come back as talents ; but i would position Borne of Blood in almost opposite directions to Decimation due to negative feedback of one with the other.

I would consider to also bring the 2p tier set, i was unsure about it, but then someone who i have great respect made me remember, the extra dog also generate an extra demon core and this greatly improve rotational setup, preferable the same talent also increases the maximum quantity of demon cores to 6.

Power Siphon Reworked.

With the amount of Demon Core generation i placed in here i would rework Power Siphon, remove its role as Demon Core Generation and amplify its role as Demon bolt amplifiers

I would like to see GFG/VF and the Random Demons to be slightly reworked in the sense of making them closer to Dreadstalker in effect in the sense that as they are summoned they do a cool stuff [like dogs do Dreadbyte] who is a good chunk of its value[ Dreadbyte is 50% of the dogs value without modifiers].

Thats kind of it.


Im def. excited about what the new warlock trees would like like with how the ones that have come out have been designed.

So fingers cross :grin:.

Really hoping we get some new demon models, just please give a new demon cover for each one. I.e. imp/felguard/voidwalker/the succubi/felpup.

Just excited is all.


Decided to try a hand in making a tree,mostly for fun but also as a experiment, think of this as just a fanfic but for talent trees.


It have 34 Nodes, with 4 Choice Nodes, around 61 to 64% of the tree is obtainable in any given path, with build diversity of 75%; Decimation and Horned Nightmare exist as 0/3 to avoid the Wilfred node giving acess to all 3 capstones at the same time, but should be interesting effects to drop 1 or 2 last points as well.


I just really miss Metamorphosis and Dark Apotheosis

Maybe add a branch in the demo tree to let us take on the fantasy of absorbing demon power to make ourselves more powerful (AKA Demo from vanilla all the way through WoD) instead of summoning tons of demons, at least give us the option.

As a warlock I felt a lot more powerful and like I was living my warlock fantasy when I had a permanent Infernal pet and metamorphosis, and tbh I think it is super lame they got rid of BOTH because of other classes/specs. Just because demon hunters have a demon form doesn’t mean warlocks shouldn’t have one, and just because the Infernal is destro’s CD doesn’t mean demo can’t still have a permanent version of it.

If they are dead set on destro’s cd being the infernal then let destro locks drop like 3 abyssals for their cd and give demo the single permanent infernal/doom lord. Warlock metamorphosis and DH’s metamorphosis are already different enough imo, they shouldn’t me mutually exclusive. Both are a class that gets their power from demons, why is it a crime to share an ability or two?

Also give us Dark Apotheosis back, the lines between dps and tank don’t have to be so defined


A new base demon would be the perfect addition after so long.

Some sort of flying demon perhaps?


Bring The Legion Warlock Back.

Blizzard “apparently” wants to heal the bridge burned to the ground by BFA and Shadowlands.

That’s how they’ll get me to forgive them. Otherwise I’m gone for good after 17 years. I’m not paying for a sub par class, and I doubt I’m alone.


I would love to see the perma-infernal back, and just as a simple glyph…the enveloping flames as you get more shards.


Reading all of these great ideas has me so hyped for warlock trees! To bad none of it will be in and ill be disappointed. I am thinking there will be little to no changes from what they are now, just there talents/legos/conduits/tier sets in the tree with a few things currently base line removed and put in as talents.

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Same. The blueberry is so lame on so many levels. Really missed my infernal tank, and watching him crush my enemies with his giant fiery fists. Another feature of legion i so dearly miss.

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God no please, I’m so sick of being a chaos bolter we need alternatives.

Warlock tree should have:

Kil’Jaeden’s Cunning
Hellfire (not channeled, make it cost 5% of health, lasts for 8 seconds) 12 second CD

Destro tree:

Shadowburn, as like a first pick talent.
Internal combustion (also works with shadowburn)
Legion staff portals
Portal/Gateway damaging abilities
ie.) A spell that teleports you back to your portal, shares a CD your regular port if regular port is used, but when used will go on CD for double the duration of whatever port is, but does fire damage applying immolate to everything around you and applying fel bonds. EHHH? EHHH?! How sick would that be?!
And with gateway, anyone around you gets knocked back 5 yards and suffers fire damage.

Chaos bolt like fits the theme, though. It fits perfectly with it, it just sucks to cast in PvP and it might get old, but honestly it does fit very well.

Do note, though: I don’t play Destro or Demo, so I mean I’m a complete novice with them. I just think it fits the theme and I was going based off of that, which it does. In MoP, CB hit like a mac truck and in PvP, especially, Chaos Bolt would get buffed to the point of 1 shotting players so when you seen Warlocks casting CB you prayed it wasn’t at you.

That’s the theme I was going for, CB hitting like a mac truck and fitting in to the fantasy of Chaos n Fire.

A theme isn’t relying on one spell to the extent that it currently does. That’s not a theme. It can be suffocating.

Fel fire is the theme. Chaos bolt is a tool.

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Only having one playstyle, and that playstyle being the punching bag for every interrupt and psuedo-interrupt is incredibly frustrating. There’s pretty much no other class that deals with this besides maybe frost mage, but even then they have other options for doing okay-ish damage outside of hardcasting FB.


Yeah, you’re right. Chaos is the theme, Fire is the theme, so yeah make two distinct paths for Chaos stuff and for Fire things. Maybe in the middle at the very end have perma Infernal/Doomguard pets like in Legion with the Grimiore of Supremacy talent.

As I suggest before:

Affliction: DoT damage left side vs Direct damage right side. Left side ends with Rapid Contagion. Right side ends with Malefic Rapture. Easy enough there, and could have Grimoire of Sup in the middle or Soulburn or something else right there is fine.

Demonology has the most paths it could take:
Imp Mother/summon small army node path
Sacrifice Demons for self power node path
Summon bigger demons path
Perma pets path would probably be cool, too.

Imp mother ends with you summoning the actual Imp Mother or something.

Sacrificing demons for self power node ends with the old Meta from long ago, the really cool jumping around melee lock form that looked so cool.

Summon bigger demons node ends with like summoning a Pit Lord or you could even summon Doom Lord Kazak or something. Doom Lord Kazzak . Like, how cool would it be summon this ^this dude here.

Last pathway is perma pets, so you could have your own perma army out and most of your abilities become their special attacks. Either of these would be super cool to do.

Destro just becomes; Fire on one side, Chaos on the other side, and as I said before with like Grimoire of Supremacy in the middle for 2 other pets of: infernal or doomguard. Infernal increases your fire damage. Doomguard increases your chaos damage.

Ezpz win for them.


we are historically the best pve class in the game. idk where you’re getting sub par from

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Nice job. Any plans to work one up for aff?

I don’t feel very confortable trying to make an Affliction Talent Tree.