Warlock Dragonflight Talent Suggestion Thread

They are basically skinned Soul-Shards but you had another few abilities who you could spent them

Ember Tap who was a 10% max hp+mastery bonus heal; Flames of Xoroth who was a instant summon for pet https://youtu.be/w3yUyg0CjLc?t=223 here is a rotation for 5.4 or 5.2 https://youtu.be/uMFF_yFxTtA?t=178

“Also I’d like glyphs to let us summon Inquisitors, Ur’zuls, and Wrymtongues as pets.”



Bring back Demonic Leap!! come with a new animation instead of looking like a demon hunter…and give us demonic leap back!

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It could work as a hulk-out mode a la Gul’dan and as you said. In terms of traid-offs, maybe make it the consequence of an overhauled Demonic Sac? Or maybe have it replace Dark Soul since its more flavorful?


My wish list is to return the talent that healed your pet a % of the damage done by the warlock, return the warlock’s summoning reduction talent from 5 sec to 3. 5 with improved talent that if they kill your pet the instant summon buff is activated as in cataclysm, also you can have death spiral, aoe fear and fury of shadows as main skills with improvement by talents as in tbc in which if you wanted to leave instant aoe fear or if you want to leave instant fury of shadows and put soul link as a talent for all specializations and not only in demonology, in affliction I would like to join through talents suck life and additional corruption to return the talent in which for each dot in the victim drain life increases its damage and the amount of life drained.


I’ve been meaning to make a thread specifically about Malefic Grasp. Blizz did great listening to the community about a change to the affliction rotation (Shadowbolt), but I do think the MG/DS execute style was loved by the vast majority of players.

Giving us an old-school version of talents - especially with those ones where you choose one or another - gives Blizz a great opportunity to allow for players to relive such a great play style.

The only thing I would add is that IF it were to return as a talent, they should also consider adding the inhale/exhale mechanic again for spreading DoTs, affliction is a great spec, but once you’re fighting 3 or so mobs, your filler (either SB or in this case MG) becomes impossible to use as you’re spending far too much time simply refreshing your DoTs on the different mobs.

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Bring back demon armor and insta deathbolts, and I’m good to go! From a pvp perspective.

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No lol, deathbolt was so bad >< BFA Aff was so garbage. The spec was a 3 minute CD spec, and that’s just terrible design as a whole.

It’s also way too easy to read and prevent in PvP, not to mention in raiding and dungeon it’s literally a bad design mechanic to build a DoT spec around. PvP it’s so bad, though, as healers understand all they need to do is dispel right before you get all the stuff up and then gimp your damage entirely.


Everything in this video should be considered to bring back. MOP warlock was so fun!

What ever happened to that gorgeous drain animation, Drain soul looks so bland now…

I might also add instant cast shadowfury should return considering the new class has a frontal path stun without any cast time.


They should bring back mallefic grasp animation, it’s a lot better than drain soul


There was too much throttling and it was oft complained about. You had MG, SE stacks etc making aff’s spread damage wet noodle as it all relied on stacking/activating the effects on a single target.

Aff needs to move away from ST and back to DOT’s doing proper damage. This BS about being “too good” in spread cleave just needs to die. Start reigning in the many other specs that can have it all with DD, cleave and AOE and then I’ll start worrying about whether aff damage is too good on the odd council fight.


id like it if we could have a talent that brings back the asthetic of demonology metamorphisis.

the way to have the asthetic alone and not the whole package is simple. allow us to be the demonic tyrant. embrace tyranny : assume the form of a demonic tyrant ( meta form we had ) for 15 seconds your minions are buffed, time of active pets increased, you are buffed for x amount of haste. 1min 30 second timer. INSTANT cast

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thought of a way metamorphosis can be a talent for all 3 specs without changing the specs drastically.
Metamorphosis increases damage by % scaling with mastery and transforms abilities.

Shadowbolt /incinerate turns into touch of chaos, dealing chaos damage and refreshing corruption/immolate.

Immolate/corruption turns into doom which has a chance to summon a felhound or imp on damage last 1 minute deals damage every 10 seconds reduced by haste, summoned demons produced 1 soulshard on death after 10 seonds

Unstable affliction/hand of guldan/conflag turns into chaos wave, deals chaos damage to enemies hit.

Malefic rupture/chaos bolt/demonbolt turn into soulfire.

Soulfire costs 2 soulshards touch of chaos produces soulshard fragments, doom costs mana and chaos wave applies a dot that produces fragmemts to all enemies hit.

Metamorphosis is extendes by 1.5 seconds for every soulshard used during its duration. Last 20 seconds baseline.

Just an idea i had but would really love to see the spell return to warlocks

Throttling was often complained about, but it was a matter of perception. The truth is that multidot total damage, dps, and dmg relative to player health pools all increase in MoP. That said having both haunt and SE mechanics provided a stronger perception of throttling than either would alone even if it had the same percentage of single target damage increased.

The true weakness that MoP affliction had was burst damage. Having MG so strongly tied to the presence of dots, as opposed to previous expansions where that chunk of damage was shadowbolt, meant we needed 3ish globals to even start a reasonable percentage of our damage on a priority target. I don’t think this was a bad thing though, just pros and cons.

I agree with Pheonickz suggestions for affliction.

The only thing I’d say differently is that I want actual Malefic Grasp back, including the animation. That spell, and its animation, was dope AF. I’d also like enough of a buff to GrimSac that it can be used in dungeons effectively and not just in PVP.

And, even though I doubt it would ever happen, I’d love to have Harvest Life back (I believe that was the one that let us cast Drain Life on every target in front of us, that thing was frikin cool).


I agree. It can be balanced quite easily, and was a fun spell. It’s partially in the game as part of soul rot, but there’s no reason it couldn’t be returned as a talent. Just ensure the healing is capped (damage doesn’t need to be).

I loved harvest of life for farming old content. I suspect it was removed because it was visually noisy. Maybe if they had the extra lines go from the secondary targets to your primary target and then the single line from your primary target back to you could be bigger/flashier the more targets you have instead of the giant fan of green light (which i agree did look cool).

People need to calm down on metamorph fetish, the only way it ever comes back is as a variation of cata meta.


It’s currently a sad state of affairs where the shadowlands / bfa spells look like garbage and the old spell animations used in classic and old versions of the game both look better and are still in the game being used by various old mobs.

Reinstate / fix / glyph the following unfinished looking animations.



Chaos Bolt

Demon Bolt is also poor, replace with old soulfire.


The no mobility caster isn’t an archetype that has aged well with the game, return MoP style mobility with allowing filler spells to be cast while moving.

Burning Rush - should not share a node with defensives, could have a cooldown and duration and not cost health.


Soulshards - Soulshards generate too slow without having bonuses like the current tier 4 set.

Incinerate – Cast while moving.

Infernal - reduce cooldown and duration to 1.5 or 2 mins, remove soulshard generation tie in and bake it into the class.

Backlash - Why was this ever removed, return abilities that gave defenses against constant tunneling in pvp and generic good open world triggers.

Shadowfury - Remove cast time.

Fire and Brimstone – Bring back the toggle version of the ability.

Embertap – Possibly bring back embertap instead of drain life for destruction.

Dimensional Rift – Felt good to use, could remove the rng component of which portal is next though.

Rain of fire – Change back to a mana costing shard generator vs 3+ targets, the shard cost and small aoe is obnoxious in m+ and similar content, fire and brimstone was better AoE gameplay, if a aoe spammable shard spender needs to exist and fire and brimstone isn’t brought back it should be cataclysm.

Chaos Spell School – This shouldn’t lock you out of fire and shadow when interupted, mages etc don’t just stand there unable to do anything when interupted.


Soulshards – Change to shard ticks like destruction from agony, can add diminishing returns to aoe shard generation.

Dot application – Longer durations and a way to spread Agony would be good.

Darkglare – Remove it, doesn’t add anything to the theme or gameplay of affliction, feels bad to summon a demon to have decent dot duration.


Cast times and Ramping– The spec has too many hard casts with Hand of Guldan, Summon Dogs etc some should be baseline instant, takes too long to do meaningful anything.

Demonic Tyrant – Feels terrible summoning this idiot to command the imps, scrap it and have the warlock empower the minions if that type of cooldown is wanted.

Implosion – feels pretty bad to kill all the minions for this meme ability and have to re ramp through all the slow ramping spells to get back to being able to use aoe again.


how would you bake in that soul shard generation?

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