Warlock, Dev Evoker, and flex Monk/DK looking for AotC/M+ Guild

We’re a group of three looking for a new team since our previous one disbanded. Team is comprised of a Warlock (Potentially mage), Evoker, and DK/Monk that can flex any role but is most experienced blood tanking and mist healing.

We’re all fairly experienced players and seeking times around the 7PM-12AM EST range on any day but Wednesday.

add me lets talk thebanger#11932

I would also be interested in talking. Tojarra#11571

Hello :slight_smile:
Celestial Advocates is currently looking for more people to add to our raid team and players to do mythic +. [NA] Celestial Advocates – Raiding, M+, Achievements, and Having Fun - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

We are a casual group that raids Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 to 8:30 pm Pacific time (9 to 11:30 pm Eastern). Last season we obtained AoTC and this season would like to also do Mythic. If you want, you can also run with us to see if we are a fit. We are mainly looking for dps for the raid team, but tanks for mythic +.

my Btag is Eiene #1217

Hiya Worgen! I know Wednesday may not fit in your schedule, but I would still like to extend the offer if you need a home. Where is our recruitment below. Look forward to chatting with you and safe travels!

NA Area52 LFRaiders Tue/Wed 8-11PM EST S1 AotC 4/8M - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums


Volatile is a friendly, mythic progression guild, but we also have a separate run for those who only want AOTC. Our Mythic raids are Fri & Sat 7pst to 10pst. Our Heroic runs will be on Sundays 7pst to 10pst. We’re looking to recruit new members! We run weekly key nights and guild event nights (includes tmog runs, PvP nights, and more) as well as our scheduled raiding nights, so there is always something to do!

Our current progression is:

  • 4/8 M NP
  • 8/8 H NP

Our progression in Dragonflight was:

  • 5/8 M VOTI
  • 5/9 M ATSC
  • 6/9 M ATDH

If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information! You can reach me at Raevenhart#1561 anytime!