NA Area52 <Commitment Imperium> LFRaiders Tue/Wed 8-11PM EST S1 AotC 4/8M

Commitment Imperium is Recruiting!

We’re a friendly supportive group with serious raiders and content players looking for dedicated people to fill our ranks towards AOTC and CE.

Our core went 4/8 Mythic in Season 1, achieved respectable goals in Mythic+, several members have a variety of impressive firsts as well.

We like to have a relaxed and fun raid environment, but we also know how to put on our serious faces for progression when needed and not waste peoples time. We expect all to contribute in beneficial ways and complete a variety of group content when not raiding.

Raid Times: Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00-11:00PM EST

We need a handful of classes and roles including heals, range & melee, ideally:
Shaman Resto
Warrior arms or fury

We understand & support “bring the player not the class” when appropriate. If you have the creds we are interested.

Ideally we would like to bring people in with an item level of at least 625.
Season 1 experience in Heroic with AotC preferred, we realize it takes a team.
Previous xpac experience may also be considered if exceptional.
A positive attitude, helpful, friendly, team players only.
Most of all, as our name suggest, a commitment from you for the season to maintain a high raid attendance, to put the effort into learning, to put the effort into getting better, so we all succeed.

If you’re interested in joining us or have any questions, please send me a request at Headache4u#1956 or a message on discord, my username is headsual.

We are looking forward to raiding with you!

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Bumping to keep this thread active. Thank you for stopping by!

Bump - we still have a few spots.

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Bump- Even if you are just looking for a home, we have one for you!

Bumpity Bump - Still looking for members to fill our raid :slight_smile:

Bumping still have a couple dps and heal spots

Bumping to keep active :slight_smile: