Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

Doesn’t that mean they will be easier to change again like they were way back when they were tied to grimoire of supremacy?

Like legit I have no objections to keeping say the name Darlissa for my succubus/shivarra vs what it becomes currently which is Dem-bahar, lol.


So much this.

If they can’t do it right they shouldn’t be doing it at all.


More crap. Well there goes my wrathguard’s name.


It sure would be nice if we could choose to use the glyphed demon name or the vanilla demon name as a part of the system.


They responded. Looks like they will now be able to keep any glyphed demon names, and the only ones that will be your original demon, are the models/colors that you’ve never used before.

Yeah I responded with other questions cuz some stuff is unclear to me in that post

Really wish we’d have a unique name per appearance

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Well as sad as it is to lose observer, really hoping we can at least get new demon skins now for existing demons. Minor win for warlocks I suppose, but the new options aren’t really much. Would really be nice if they added every available color and alternate skin for each demon type. Really want those coven of shivara skins, would be nice to have each one drop a grimoire for their perspective appearances.


Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo how do we Summon Incubus now? My warlock only has the Summon Sayaad ability again, and it seems to only ever summon the female succubus.

If my Incubus lost his name I’m going to be PEEVED.

Edit to answer my own question: Barber Shop. You can change the default summon for your demons at the barber shop, and my dude DID keep his name. Hooray!


well blizzard turning wins into loses big time this patch. am not gonna touch warlock customization. thank god i NEVER CHANGED MY SUCCUBUS’S COLOR. would be beyond enraged if i lost her name.

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How did blizz messed up? My demons kept their names.


the glyphed ones didnt.

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No, they did, literally have all my names, even the three separate names for my succubi

The only way everything has the same name is if you never summoned any of them previously

Oh wait unless you thought that the different Succubus recolors had all the same name previously?

They didn’t. All three had separate names. Always have. We all fought to not lose the Shadow Succy and Fel Succy names

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It’s also worth a note that there’s a lot of customization options that you can pick even without going and doing the questlines to get grimoires for new appearances and colors. I was able to Void-theme my Void Elf Warlock’s Voidwalker and Infernal without doing that stuff yet.


Also 10.1.5 apparently reset the keybinding for my screenshot key, I usually use SnagIt as my screenshot utility and had moved the in-game screenshot function to F12. That was weird :laughing:


Also after doing the new warlock questline I noticed a new incubus skin on one of the npcs in the ticket tents. Looked like an incubus version of the shadow succubus, with pale skin. Though for some reason it’s not an option?


I am sure they are saving it for us to find or for future updates.

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Here’s the new incubus color.


Hey everyone I updated the OP with a new “ask post” while keeping the old requests at the bottom of the new requests :slight_smile:

Revamped my table to fit within their “silhouettes”


One day I’ll get my Fel lord xD

With infernal customisations, hope we get Dreadlord as an option for Tyrant. Would be a sick cooldown for Demonology


We really ought to get Demonic Tyrant and Darkglare customizations :frowning:

I’d have Grimoire of the Fel Lord drop from that one guy from Hellfire Citadel


Not only should the removal of observer be reversed, but we should be able to summon all of the flavors!
I would also like to see some of the voidwalker models imbued with other types of warlock magic, like the green felfire elementals that already exist. Regular fire would probably be stepping on shamans’ toes, but blood elemental or shadowflame elemental recolors would be cool. Still also hoping for the voidcaller models that have the void naaru symbol, shroud, and lanterns.