Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

I don’t usually post here, but this observer removal is horrendous news. The observer is one of my favorite demons in all of Warcraft Lore. I love how it knows all there is to know about the Codex of Xerrath.


Them removing observer just goes to show we’ll probably never get anything new for warlocks.


The ONLY way this works is if it’s because the Observer is going to be a separate pet option.


These two would be great for Warlock aesthetic. Once you subjugate a demon that species and appearance is saved to a Grimoire, which allows the Warlock to summon that demon again, its appearance at least.


With Blizz curating our minions by silhouettes I am not so confident in our future for customization.

If we are locked by the shapes of our minions the only way we are getting any substantial choice in our minions is if they start selling class skins.

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Some new stuff on the PTR that includes where to find the current customizations and the barber shop is now implemented. Other customizations are coming in a later build.

Personally, I am not looking forward to having to farm for the Fel Succubus look again if I have to. Yes, it will be easier than it was back then but still a pain in the butt.


Considering what blizard said about observer it seems unlikely :frowning:

Well some good news but I would like an updated model for the Shivarra with the new one (we keep the old model). It’s the only model with an old model (BC) and without a new model from Legion (Wrathguard, Infernal and Doomguard get it).

Adding a new Grimoire of the Shivarra could be a nice thing, just 2 or 3 will be enough (Grimoire of the Fel Shivarra without the fel ball on her head and without the green fel moving on the front of the crown + Grimoire of the Fire Shivarra for example)

Grimoire of the Fel Shivarra:


Grimoire of the Fire Shivarra:


So all of our pets have these three green shards floating above them? Is that so people know they’re pets? Why couldn’t that be used to differentiate the observer too?

I hope they don’t have this. I think as we are on the PTR, it’s a “normal thing”.

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I really hope they don’t either… they make the demons look like characters from the sims.
I’m not holding my breath though. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if they were intentionally added to make identifying them as pets easier… that is pure speculation on my part, but why else would they be included on every demon?

Commenters on Wowhead are saying that the shards are just a visual bug related to the soul shard glyph the player character who took the pics was using! So no sims demons, thankfully.

Now update the Shivarra model :stuck_out_tongue:

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The one and only thing i actually hoped for isnt on there :frowning:


Made another PTR thread for the new system

Put your requests there



How very underwhelming…

Also them tearing away our demons names is bull…

And they still haven’t fixed removing the Observer… (silhouette my butt)

Blizzard shouldn’t be doing this at all if they can’t do it right.

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Well heres to hoping for some adjustments.

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Wait we lost our demon names?

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As it stands right now we are losing all non-base demon names

My Shivarra has my base Succy’s name

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… this whole thing needs to be cancelled until they can actually fix it.