Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

If they copy the druid form system in a sense

The grimoires don’t need to be made from inscription

I’d really like some of them to be drops from old bosses for the sake of visiting old world content with a purpose

And again, Enslave Demon has been useless for many years now, and everytime it has a use it’s unintentional and swiftly nerfed

Could easily rework it so if we enslave a demon or aberration, then we gain the grimoire to add the customization


I just checked the PTR now its up and i can confirm that currently glyphs have turned in to the grimoires


New felhunters are A+, I likely wont use em (at least on this character) cause the default ones are kind of perfect renditions of the classic felhunters but this bodes very well for the rest of the demons. The light purple skin works really well for some kind of void twisted aberration.

Gimme that Felwalker


We’ll probably get recolors for the old ones too


But please lord don’t let it be from inscription

Please let us enslave stuff in the open world and instances


Oh now those I might use, the last one works as a Fel Ravager


I’m eager to see the Felguard xD

Recolors for imps


Hoping we get a new felguard and a new succubus since the old one is a bit low rez compared to incubus.


I hope felguard is getting new stuff considering that it’s the dedicated demon for an entire spec.


They prob work similar to druid glyph. You right click on it to learn and you unlock its look in the barber shop

While the next patch may not deliver what everyone wants I think it’s a great step into giving choice to warlocks and their demons.

Maybe one day they will expand our minion “family” to beyond demons to also include aberrations. However I do like what I’m seeing so far.


I miss the old Wrathguard plenty too ;( the old model still exists in some parts of Outland, gimme

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It looks like maybe the new high rez models are themed by spec—green fel for demo, orange fire for destro, and purple shadow for aff. I am looking forward to seeing the new voidwalker colors. There will probably be a green one like the felfire elemental. Orange would probably look too much like a shaman’s fire elemental. A shadowflame voidwalker with the new spell effects, however, would be beautiful. :face_holding_back_tears: Hopefully we’ll get some other voidwalker recolors that represent additional dark magic themes—deep red for blood magic and that sickly cyan of drust soul magic and decay.

Edit: I am also partial to the voidcaller model, which is a voidwalker wearing a shroud and carrying two lanterns, with what looks to be void naaru crystals floating on its back. That would be especially cool thematically for draenei.


Bad news, so it’s a NO for any new demon I guess =/


  • Glyph of the Observer is being deprecated and will no longer be an available customization option for felhunters.
    • Developers’ note: With the arrival of the new warlock pet customization system coming in Fractures in Time, we will deprecate the Glyph of the Observer customization. Our reason for this is to ensure that each demon retains a similar silhouette across all available customizations, so that each demon and the functionality or power they provide to the warlock is easily understood by other players as well as the warlock.

Made a thread on PTR



This was why I thought we would never get minion customization. Their stance on glyphs relationship with “readability” will hold back our minions.


So… this is happening for some reason.

I hope we will keep the Shivarra and Wrathguard glyphs. We know what these demons do so it’s not confusing at all.

This is made even more confusing, by the 1000s of hunter pets available, yet there is no concern for readability between specs there? Do you know how many unique models of Tenacity pets there are? 20 pet families, with multiple models/silhouettes per family.

If they make sure to tie specific models to specific roles, they can still keep the silhouettes for each role, as you lined out in the original post way back in July 2020. It’s a poor excuse in today’s game, and sounds like a coverup for being lazy or overworked… or somehow both.


Blizzard has failed. This is a dumb move. This is a really really really dumb move.