Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

O are Draenei warlocks called wakeners?

Oo would love this!

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Yes and no.

The Wakeners were an old sect of Draenei sorcerers who studied the more esoteric magics and advanced the study of magic in general. Their leader before Archimonde, was the first Draenei to discover the power of Fel and may have been the initial point that Sargeras heard of the Draenei from. He (Thal’kiel their leader before Archimonde betrayed him and ascended to the Triumverate) tried to show his newfound power of Fel and claimed it was the future for the Draenei. Kil’jaeden and Velen were horrified and rejected him demanding he never use that magic again.

So he did in secret and attempted a coup. He failed because Archimonde, one of his students, ratted them out.

I have an entirely headcanon story where the Wakeners have been continuing to practice their magics in secret, but reject thal’kiels descent to madness. They use it to protect their people even though they understand that their people will reject them for it. Again ENTIRELY headcanon and based on nothing in game or canon. :smiley: But I love it.


yep, now I need a lock draenei.

And after Xal’atath’s return, we could get Thal’kiel back someday

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My human warlock has his partially reconstituted head with her…

I don’t see why not. Lol

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Fully expecting it to just be the existing palettes we see as npcs out there (hoping for felwalker), or just sticking the glyphs into the barber, but hey not bad

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Developers’ note: Warlock glyphs are now on-use Grimoires to unlock pet customizations. Grimoires can be learned on the PTR this week, but selecting the appearance of your pets in the Barbershop will be available in a future PTR update.

That seems to be the way they are going right now.


I don’t play a warlock, but I admit better warlock stuff makes WoW better for everyone, so I’m all for it.


Now this just popped up on Wowhead.

This gives us more of an idea of what might be coming too. The Imps would most likely be from the new quest coming in the patch.


If Blizzard included half the stuff that was suggested in this list in the game, I think I’d play a warlock.

Though, minion customization has great implications for the other classes. I’d love to be able to put armor on my DK ghoul for instance.


New chain quest looks fun :slight_smile:

new imp


Maybe just like how the druid forms is done within the barber shop but with the pets. I’m just wondering if they will also do the same with other lock pets like the blueberry and felhunter.


It’s been a minute since I played my warlock but huge congrats to warlock players who argued for additions like customizing their demons etc :hugs:

Figured I’d drop in and hype up Baals thread and work advocating for these changes


Now those mini-fernals are most likely non-combat pets but I think it would be great if they were another imp skin.

Imagine those little guys throwing globs of fel like snowballs at our targets.


yeah, probably just normal pets, but they could be a nice option for voidwalkers too.

Perfect match for lock destruction by the way xD

Not sure how I missed this news. Guess I’ve just been too busy at work. For anyone else behind, like me, here are two of the articles.

News about customization, and including all races but Dracthyr:

Imp Customization:


And today is for Felhunters :slight_smile:



We do need clarity for how obtaining the old customizations is gonna work tho :eyes:

Please God just rework Subjugate Demon


Its in the patch notes from last week :slight_smile:

  • Developers’ note: Warlock glyphs are now on-use Grimoires to unlock pet customizations. Grimoires can be learned on the PTR this week, but selecting the appearance of your pets in the Barbershop will be available in a future PTR update.
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Yes but how do we obtain the grimoires

Ideally I’d like us to rework the enslave demon ability since God knows it’s useless

If not then boss drops from aberration and demon bosses

The way i read it is the grimoires are the glyphs.
So you buy them on the AH like normal