Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

Lots of great ideas, blizzard please, you have the resources to do this

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I’d love a Grimoire tab. We had that quests to learn how to summon demons on classic, we could get rituals for summoning and biding with some craft:
Get the reagents(like old quests, from world drops, raid bosses and go on…),
Craft a item for summoning the specific demon,
Make a ritual and,
Defeat it to get a contract.
Be a happy warlock :smiley:
(Maybe too long?)

If they created something like this for abominations in Maldraxxus, they could make something for classes u.u


I really hope warlock demons get some love. Having a grimoire would be a great idea and can give us many options.
But after seeing they don’t care about doing more customization… I fear nothing fun like this will happen.
I still have hope though!


please Blizzard, its really sad demo warlock locked to SAME OLD pet for years


Blizzard please!!! Maybe for 9.1? :point_right:t4::point_left:t4:


Bump to the moon!

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It’s just funny to me that if Blizzard just released customization slowly, ongoing, every few weeks via sort of “micro” patches, both for races and classes (at least more glyphs if not a class customization interface), the player base would be exponentially happier.


I 10000% agree with you, but Blizzard doesn’t usually follow what makes sense haha, you sort of can tell they arnt really interested in making the player base happy when they discontinued customisation this expansion (which I hope they go back on as this is a horrible decision).

Realistically looks like we stuck with the same pets for Shadowlands, so what another 15 months or so :sob:… but hey they made like 20+ Soul Shapes for Night Fae :neutral_face:


Still waiting for warlock pet customization :slightly_frowning_face:


The possibility to Summon Succubus should be transferred to Undead Protection Warriors: it fits the lore! Warlocks could summon the rest of the demons…

While we’re on the subject of Hunters, it’d be nice if Paladins and Priests could use Bows / Guns and an Intelligence Stat slot was added to them. Hunters don’t “need” to be the only class in the game that uses Bows and Guns.

Tyrande / Priest of the Moon Fantasy demands at the least that, unless Hunters are cool with another Mail wearing Class that uses Bows coming into being. We’re long overdue for something like that as well as Night Elf Paladins being a thing.

That said, good post OP! Totally sold on the ideas you propose!

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I thought Warriors and Rogues could still use ranged weapons.

We need this!!!


Still throwing my support, this needs to happen, Warlocks need this, we need flavour in our demons… same demons for 16 years is a little insane…


I won’t stop supporting this! This needs more attention, warlocks deserve this after all the crap we been put through. Give it to us Blizz!


Come on… >.<


There’s even new Aberrations in the game too :frowning:


I literally just signed on to post this!!, they love teasing us don’t they…

My Dream is to have a Dreadlord by my side, or even to make my Tyrant a Dreadlord…then I saw this… I’m choking on my own rage here!! :joy:

Let me please…have him as my Tyrant or pet… I’ll do anything… ANYTHING!


Enslaved one of the new Nathrezim on PTR :frowning:

Look how amazing it looks


This just looks so natural, I want this so bad… even if it’s just for a Tyrant alternative…

Even in the latest interview they speak once again about hunters and their pets, no mention of warlocks…

Ion “ and yes, we know that Hunters very much love their animal companions”…(was in response for more spirit beasts)

I’m like thinking I’ve had the same companions for 16 years!! If anything Warlocks love their companions more!!, we need more…