Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

You are. I’ll wait for you to figure out why, too, rather than explain it to you in detail and have you still questioning it.

Since when the hell does class matter in this? People have been crying for Drums not to exist because it stops Shamans from “being important” because of Bloodlust/Hero, and similarly for Hunters/Mages as well because of their ability to use it as well.

The same can be said for a number of other abilities. Why does Class suddenly matter only in this instance?

Oh. It must be because this is something you’re passionate about. Okay. Turn a blind eye to everything else and argue this like somehow it’s the only instance where it matters.

‘Valuable time’. One instance. Just one?

When have I said that hunters are a class that doesn’t use their pets??? What are you smoking right now?

You’re trying to put words in my mouth to fuel your little ‘argument’ here and it’s failing miserably.

“2 very large portions”. By what metrics?

Yes, they literally can equip the Warglaives of Azzinoth. They’re a sword-equipped warglaive.

And you’re seriously trying to say that BM and Survival don’t exist? Literally? You’re trying to say that Marksmanship is the only played specialization? Hundreds of thousands of played BM/Survival parses completely disagree with you.

All melee specializations aren’t as hard as you’re even close to trying to make them out to be. Stop trying to prop ranged, and specifically, Hunters, up on some grand pedestal.

As Master Tovi always says!



At this point, I’m convinced Succubi are female Nathrezim.


Blizzcon less then a month away, fingers crossed all this becomes a reality when they announce it :grin:


Same we def some def additional demon models.

There’s no way they can just keep forgoing this for the past 3 expansions now.


That’s hot :smiling_imp:



Is this the best we can do? The topic “Give Worgens Tails” is up to nearly 6k responses, and we’re just now nearing 900? Let’s move, people! Gotta get the word out.


Worgen account for I think 15% of the Alliance playerbase, which is around 45% of the total playerbase, so around 7% of all players.

Warlocks are 2%.

I think we’re doing well :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sick gif :grin:

Would love some news for blizzcon about it, it’s the kind of addition for a middle patch.

It would be so nice to have minions that match the model quality of current content.


Quite a post.

Beginnings of a new Warlock Demon Catalog.

We used to use Subjugate Demon a lot. You’d think Legion would have brought it back.

It had too many limitations




I don’t remember, but on all those Q&A made by Ion, at any time, did they talk about pets? Or in any other interview?

I remember him saying “no” for Pit lord, but don’t remember any other xD

Nah they haven’t spoken about anything class-specific outside of tuning

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I know I havnt posted here in a while, but legit I’m excited and nervous as Blizzcon is a week away, I’m really hoping Warlocks get some love and they reveal customisations for Demons…

Long overdue, been asked for years, it has to be coming soon, right?




Boys Blizzard just opened a Q&A submission answer!

I sent in this question:

Why won’t you give warlocks a subjugation-grimoire system? There’s around 60 demon and aberration families with a total of 300-400 unique models that a glyph system just won’t give justice to.


All these people submitting questions with obvious answers, and now one is asking the real questions.

  • When can Warlocks utilize the swath of updated demon models introduced in Legion, and iterated as recently as Shadowlands?
  • Where are the Expeditionary boots in Exile’s Reach?!?

Oh, that last one is a pet peeve of mine…


I’m trying, I’m trying, I keep getting “Oops, something went wrong check back later!”.

Must keep trying!!, this topic needs an answer!

Edit: Just submitted used this link.



I saw this on reddit and thought you guys might like it! Someone suggested a new collection tab where you can customize your class. Here is the image they made for warlock pets. I think it looks pretty great:

Original reddit thread where they give more suggestions: