Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

Well then, you are gonna have to provide creditable sources and citations to all that you have claimed.

Preferably in the MLA format to be taken seriously.

This is the third time you walk into this thread in 9 months and have said nothing new except the same tired arguments everyone dog piles you for, it’s pathetic dude.

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More personal attacks.

It’s okay, you’ll get tired of being dog piled in a day or two, then you’ll come back probably April with the same tired arguments, and then come back again probably July for the anniversary, and then November again like last time, etc.

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Lol keep trying to make it about me.

Uh no. You spammed this thread for two days when it started, gave up, came back a few months later, again spammed the thread, gave up, etc, and all between each of those tantrums by you, this thread kept growing in likes, views, shares, and support.

All you do is throw the same tantrum ever 3-4 months like clockwork it’s insane.

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So nothing to add to the actual topic. Just personal attacks. Your idea is bad, even with your TWO HUNDREDS of likes. There are better ways to improve the class and add to warlock pets besides just copying one that already exists.

I stopped replying because your post fell off the page and I forgot about it until it popped back up today.

You have said nothing new you didn’t say July 2020, November 2020, or today.

It literally gets bumped every few days, you’re just throwing another tantrum.

Yep such a tantrum to give alternative ideas.


So everyone lets just collectivley agree to stop replying to her :smiley:

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I support this. Warlock are a full-fledged pet class and they deserve the same ability to customize their companions as hunters.


On a serious note. Stable NPCs are outdated as well really unnecessary. They are as useful as Class trainer NPCs. They serve no real purpose once the collection tabs were added.

No npc needed for Mogs storage. No npc needed for Mount storage. No npc needed for non combat pet storage.

Why need NPC for pet storage?

Ideally, opening up more pets and making it a collection tab feature, this opens up more for collections as well easier to switch between pets to use and show off, etc. This option should be open to all pet classes and specs. Allows for more designs and features to open up.


I like the idea however instead of using a stables and enslave base idea. I suggest we go out and buy soulstones or blood orbs that we use to store the souls of the demons in. We then go to a demon trainer and there we can slot it or can store it for later in for our demons. The item when given to the trainer is taken from our bags of course but it is not destroyed if not slotted in. Think of the idea like a bank for demon skins or the collection tab for transmog. We then use the demon trainer to transmog the looks onto the demons or in this case bind them to our will.

I miss when my dragonhawk breathed fire…

You’re underestimating how much Blizzard Entertainment would have to commit to keeping Warlocks happy after allowing such a change. Clearly.

I was demonstrating that literally everybody has access to traps. They’re not exclusive to Hunters. And the traps that we do have access to don’t do anything that literally any other class can’t apply easier, or more safely, and doesn’t require situationally stepping on top of a trap to apply the debuff.

It traps one target, and it is broken in a single hit. It is literally equivalent to:

Am I missing anything?

I’ve been on hiatus for 6 years, so I barely know Tar Trap at all.

And yet, if you replaced the Hunter’s weapon with a staff, and changed the abilities over to magic, you’d have: Mage, all 3 specs; Warlock: All 3 spec’s. The only thing that would be different is the color of the spell.

To imply that a Hunter’s identity is secured simply because they use a single weapon type nobody else has access to at this point is kind of ridiculous.

Yeah. And guess what?

Rogues can solo a single mob with nothing but auto-attacks.

A Warrior can solo an entire group every minute and a half with one click of a single button.


Are we really going there? You can “easily” play low-end content with literally every single class, with at most, three abilities. To imply that a Hunter is the only class you can “play with your feet, because they’re that easy”, is bulls*.

We are literally the class with the most broken non-functional glyphs and one the classes with the highest DPS disparity between covenants.

In what world are you living in? Completely delusional.

We don’t even have access to any of the demons added in Legion via glyph. “Blizzard committing to warlock happiness” is truly just a delusion.


no im really not, 1 of our specs has been dead for several patches now, after it got ripped apart, gutted, and left on the street to die for a brand new edgelord class, it was alright once since then and immediately got nerfed

again your the only class that uses traps

Hex can only be used on humanoids and beasts
Polymorph can only be used on humanoids and critters and also heals the target
Sap only works on humanoids, beasts, dragonkin and demons
Repentence only works on humanoids, demons, undead, dragonkin and giants
Freezing trap is one of the only two restrictionless 1 min cc in the game, with monks having the other

  1. why are you complaining about something for warlocks that doesnt hurt any other classes if you have been on hiatus for 6 years
  2. tar trap is an aoe slow which is extremely valuable during certain M+ affix’s

well, thats kinda it…the hunter is “the archer” class, its like how demon hunters are the only class that uses warglaives

rogues require comboing and movement in a fight, same with warriors, hunters can literally just stand their and spam while their pet tanks since they only really need to cast 2 - 3 abilites based on which spec you are, is being easy a bad thing…no, its just unique to them since virtually every other class minus demon hunters have more in depth design

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Yes, you quite seriously are.

And again, every class has access to traps thanks to Engineering. They may not be as ‘grand’ as the Hunters, but they are traps nonetheless.

Literally, tell me the last time you’ve ever in WoW run in to the moment when a Shaman can’t CC with Hex, Mage with Poly, so-on-and-so-forth? I’ll wait… … … … … Oh, you can’t.

Because the time i’ve been away doesn’t matter other than my stating it, to be nigh unfamiliar with Tar Trap, so it easily slipped my mind for a moment that it was actually a thing.

And it’s application is useful elsewhere? Oh, right, in PvP. So literally just two niche areas of the game.

And yet… Other classes can still use Warglaives. They’ll just jimp themselves on stats doing so.

The Hunter is the “archer class” means little. The Hunter is far more recognizeable for being a legitimate PET CLASS than an Archer class in WoW.

Rogues don’t require half as much thought as you think they do, outside of Sublety specialization, in order to be able to complete content.

Warriors are braindead easy.

Hunters can literally stand there and spam just as easily as: Warlocks, Mages, Shamans, Death Knights, Paladins, Warriors, Rogues, Priests, Monks, Demon Hunters…

I mean, unless we’re talking about high-end content here? You know, the content that actually requires some thought behind your actions? In which case, I’m blatantly calling b.s on your “play with your feet” analogy.

For ordinary content, every class can literally stand in place and facetank a mob in the open world while using autos, or spamming literally 1 key to win.

For dungeons, you can literally get faceroll carried while spamming 1, 2, and 3 on your keyboard.

For LFR, so long as you’re one of only a few 5 or less people, you can literally AFK.

So don’t come at me trying to say that Hunters are some kind of special oddity here that’s “so easy to play, you can play it badly and win”. Every class can complete the same level of content as a Hunter as braindead easy as a Hunter can. Trying to argue otherwise shows nothing but sheer ignorance, or a complete disregard of the facts.

not really…

ONLY CLASS, no other class has traps, just a profession

just the other day…no one could cc the undead because it was undead so we had to kill it and waste valuable time fighting a fight we could have avoided

okay, then why are you making such a gripe about how hunters a class that doesnt use their pets needs to stay unique and warlocks a class that does use their pets cant take elements to make their own version of it?

yes 2 very large portions of the game, and not everything is going to be useful everywhere, however in 3 out of 4 core portions of the game its useful so thats pretty good (solo pve, M+, pvp) and cc is rarely useful in raiding to begin with

no they cant, demon hunters are the only class in the game that can use warglaives, and again hunters dont use their pets anymore, since their only good spec is marksmanship and using the pet is a direct dps loss

all melee specs are inheritly harder then ranged as your face tanking basic attacks, additionally yes a lot of other ranged classes can but a lot of other ranged classes have a rotation larger then 3 abilites, again hunters are and always will be braindead easy