Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

You have my vote, have a :blue_heart:.


How selfish. You can tame mechanicals. You can tame blood animals. Dinosaurs. All other normal animals. You cant let warlocks simply have a different method of taming and more demons, combined.

Warlocks should have access to every demon they can get their hands on. It should not be a glyph or anything we have to pay gold for.

It should be after we beat them down to low hp and force them or found some other way to make a contract. We’re not wanting to be a carbon copy of you hunters.

You dont lose anything if we got the ability to force more demons under our control. The “unique and interesting” aspect would be that hunters can tame so many variations of animals already and they love their pets. Ours are servants we force and kill off freely.


Nobody said anything about a glyph loooool

But it is. You have yet to prove other wise and just parrot how cool your idea is, and how “most” agree with you and anything different is financial ruin.

Yeah. I changed it a little. I said it that way first cause BLIZZ is the one that brought the new demons as glyphs. That wasnt at you, more at Blizz.

Demons aren’t constructs. This isn’t build a bear. It literally don’t make sense in the lore. Literally doesn’t exist. Now who is insulting everything a class stands for lmaoooo

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Ok fair enough.

Because it won’t happen let history show you that. Warlocks had a cool ability call metamorphis (i could be wrong on spelling) now according to you they should have made a unique talent for dk that didn’t take something from warlocks. Guess what blizzard decided? So tho it great to dream reality has a way of slapping you awake.

So you have no actual idea still got it.

“Retcon’ing 30 years of lore is better than letting warlocks enslave demons and add them to a grimoire”

this is why you’re being ridiculed across social media lmao

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Oh yes financial ruin keep making things up nobody ever said.

Come up with a real idea that is interesting and different. Or don’t but then don’t be surprised when people think it’s lame to just copy it from another class.

LOL if you think I care about twitter.

You have offered nothing novel to add to the class.

Over 200 people say otherwise!

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HOLY MOLY TWO HUNDRED!! Damn I hadn’t realized your millions of fans were onboard. I take it all back.

stay mad your idea sucks and nobody likes it lmao


Odd. You never said “net loss” (which is a form and term to describe financial ruin as well) ?? Interesting…

Oh look Tovi caught and quoted you.

Interesting, very interesting indeed.

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stay mad you don’t have stables

You do realize that net loss can apply to other things than money. No, no you’re right I bet you don’t…

I’m asking for it, you’re the one being bitter every few months whenever you’re feeling probably anger depression so you have to take it out on some random person who threatens your sense of entitlement :slight_smile:

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Blah blah more ad hom nonsense. Nothing to add to the actual discussion. Why don’t you put some energy into coming up with a way to make your class better in an intersting way?