Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

Not really. There are ways to make it different enough that it’s not a copy paste and feels unique and fun, adding to the class.

I play a warlock. I don’t want the same thing as my hunter. I like classes to feel very different.

imagine unironically thinking giving warlocks a few new pet models is gonna ruin your gameplay experience

This should have been done back in legion when we got a bunch of new demon models

Just another example of blizzard abandoning another system with tons of potential


Yep you did. You stated, That if locks get any form of stables, any new pets that Warlocks get is unoriginal, unorthodox, a net loss and would kill this game, while destroying the most unique and in depth class ever.

I agree.


So how will this alleged demon and aberration diversity, ie CHANGE IN MODEL come about?

If it’s not taming, and not glyphs, then what?

Strawman x2 the revenge.

Maybe read the thread. I spoke about possibly letting you guys kill demons to collect parts and build them in a character creation screen.

That would actually be awesome.

I dunno with your reach, you are making Inspector Gadget blush.

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Troll on bro

Do you really play a warlock? Cause that’s being closer to a death knight. That’s what an abomination is, parts of dead things sewn together.

That’s not how warlocks get demons. Dont try to act like this idea is good in any way.

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An i said it a pipe dream that blizzard would do that over using stables that are already in game.

I do. I’ll give you it might be more DK like, but it was just an idea I had of something different to do. You guys have put in no effort and just want “zomg tame all the demon models” sorry bind the word makes it totally UNIQUE!

We don’t build demons you idiot. Demons aren’t constructs.

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It’s an idea of a different way but enjoy your ban. I was giving an example of alternate ways to add to the dynamic and you name call. Wtg. You guys are so hostile it’s really pretty sad. Rather than entertain novel ideas you try to attack people who don’t want the same thing you do out of the discussion.

It literally doesn’t exist in the lore. It isn’t real. Literally an insult to the warlock class and flavor.

Ma’am you’ve been called dumb by me and countless others this entire thread since it was created last year lmao nice try

people are even making fun of you on twitter

So you have nothing to say or offer of your own actual interesting way to make it better, so just copy hunters. Maybe give your input on a way to do it better, but still be interesting and different.

The point was I came with a way that is interesting and different, even if it needs thematic work, in about 1 minute, and your idea is #copypastahunterstables

Thematic work? It would require a whole narrative retcon of the past 30 years of warlock lore.

You are the one trolling here. You got upset cause no one liked your idea. And any idea that has been suggested, you reach to personal depths and make direct insults and slams against, while dodging everything else.

You disagreed with every thing and refused to take even the smallest amount of criticism to you few ideas, claiming that the vast majorityof the entire player base supports your idea 100x more. And solely claiming and directly saying giving locks any new minions, and ways to accumulate and hold them would STEAL from the unique depth that is hunters and be financial suicide for blizzard.

Yeah. Seems pretty trollish in your claims.
But hey, I say keep reaching for the stars and not straws, but you’re obviously gonna confuse the two because both begin with “st” but you do you.

Keep that reach. Gotta be proud of something.

Not really. You could easily modify it to make it more “warlock-like”. The point is there are ways to give warlocks different and more pets without just copying the way hunters do it.

Idc if people like my idea lol. At least it’s not just “durr copy hunter”. I took criticism on the idea just fine and even said it probably is more dk thematically.