Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

Yes, because this is a game, and we are consumers, and more consumers are siding with me over you, hope that clears things up boo xx


So you’re saying storing pets in stables that you’ll never use for months or even years is unique and interesting? Throwing a frost trap down and pressing the tame ability is really unique and interesting? Blizz already gave up on the cool aspects of getting hunter pets.


LOL pet collecting is a huge thing for a lot of hunters. People post their stories of collecting them and go out of their way to tame super rare ones, keep them since vanilla as unobtainables that were removed, etc. You have no idea what you are even talking about.

But yeah just keep dismissing cool ways to make your own class better and just copy hunters instead :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

Ah but you are wrong it adds a lot different warlocks having alot more PETS to use would make the game more interesting . What your afraid of in your eye hunter won’t be the (snowflakes) anymore


I’m sorry, but you’re ignoring the real unique and interesting aspects of being a hunter. Did you ever travel around for hours actively hunting for Patrannache ?

We’re not taking that away. We’re dismissing the basic waiting for a rare to finally spawn in the same spot it always spawns part of being a hunter because that’s sooooo fun and engaging, right?

Those “stories” from vanilla where you had to travel to the other continent for a rare isnt being lost if warlocks got to enslave new demons.

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So get them in a new and interesting way. Imagine turning down being able to design your own pets a la character creation so you can get “a stable like hunters derp”

The OP is about getting stables to use the existing models out in the game world. That is a hunter thing. Come up with something original lol.

Not to mention the mechanic, as stated repeatedly, would be completely different from a simple camp and tame.

We’d have to first subjugate, then defeat a buffed up version, add it to our grimoire, with only 1 demon per type.

We tried that. It’s a glyph for our felguard that changes the weapon. Did you know that? Did you know that it also ended poorly and was never advanced upon?

While the ideal is nice you forget blizzard takes the easy way out and guess what that would be.

don’t forget the fact there are 300 models of demons and aberrations between types and recolors!

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I’m so sorry you have this hatred for pet battles as well. I mean it’s the same thing. go out in the world and capture hundreds of different existing models and store them in a personal stable. It must be hard being a hunter when every class can do that.

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Oh guess you should just copy paste another class’ concepts then :man_shrugging:

I agree. We hunters only have a measly tiny 61 inclusive and unique pet families with their own niche.
Warlocks requesting even as little as two new pets would destroy the dynamic of the all the classes, and kill the game outright and the net loss would be a financial nightmare to everyone playing.


Strawman .

Did i say they should not get new pets? Oh right I didn’t.

So you want us to get 300some glyphs? Is that what you want? 300 glyphs sounds reasonable to you?

I think we need a healer here to deal with the BURN.

I said glyphs ever? No this is the first time I have used that word in this entire thread.

But it’s the same thing without being linked to one class. That’s exactly what you’re complaining about. You dont want that and everyone pretty much has it already, it’s just in a altered form.