Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

its a very bad example as i basically just proved things can overlap in different ways

To who?

It’s a perfect example. You said you don’t think Warlocks should have “stables” because it’s a “Hunter thing.” I pointed out that classes share the same abilities and used Stealth as an example.

Warlocks, Paladins and Death Knights have class mounts. Hunters and Warlocks have pet families. Druids and Rogues can stealth. Hell, they’ve even given pick lock to a race.

There’s nothing wrong with two classes sharing an ability or two.


To most players.

You are being purposefully pedantic.

You are so pro-stealing a hunter thing instead of coming up with something new and cool. It’s a terrible approach and makes the game less interesting.

Where’s your proof of that?

LOL I’m just disagreeing with you and trying to have a discussion. You’re now trying to make this personal. :roll_eyes:

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And no it’s not a Hunter thing. Warlocks have comparable pets to Hunters but their appearance options are severely limited which makes no sense. Warlocks bind demons to their will. This makes sense lore wise.


You’re just disagreeing because you want a thing that is part of another class. Come up with something of value

Cool let them do something different to get more options like the example I gave or come up with a new one that adds something to the game.

And you’re just disagreeing because you don’t want it. Double standard.

There are a lot of people in this thread that thinks this idea is valuable so… done.


I am disagreeing because it takes something unique one class it has and makes it less unique when there are other ways to give warlocks more pets in an interesting way and make them more unique.

Your way is a net loss to the game my way is a gain.

This makes absolutely no sense since Hunters would not lose anything.

But whatevs. There’s no point in arguing with you because you can say “no it’s not going to happen” until you’re blue in the face but ultimately it’s Blizzard decision.


Remove stables and make a tab similar to mounts and mog collections. Except for all combat pets for pet classes/specs. Allow wider range for them to have varying alterations of same pets to newer designs and unique pets/minions.

Stable NPCs are as useful as Class Trainer NPCs.


I say that UNIQUE boat sailed along time ago and hunters are not losing anything really important they still have stables just sharing the name.


They would lose something that makes them unique and interesting.

I play a lock also btw and I don’t want it to be more like my hunter. That is stupid.

This would be such a good idea. Having warlocks beat down a demon just to weaken it for a proper enslavement/contract. It’s a real shame this mmo lacks any decent rp for an mmorpg.

Warlocks lost once Xelnath was removed. I’m never letting that go.


Both are pet class and if they both have stables IT IS FAR FROM THE SAME. It like saying since apples and oranges are both fruits and grow on trees they are the same.


The idea of having the player customize their demons like a character could be really cool. Assuming they allowed us to use most of the pieces that NPC demons use there could be a lot of options to make our demons unique. That may be too much work for Blizz to implement though.

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Notice the lack of likes on any of your posts lmao


They tried with Glyph of Felguard/Glyph of Wrathguard, broke our demon’s dps, then broke the glyph, and haven’t been able to fix it for 8 years.

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It adds nothing interesting to do it that way. Letting warlocks customize them with a character creation screen and doing something different to unlock it is way cooler and adds to the game, making locks more interesting and keeping hunters from being more homogenized.

Argumentum ad populum