Warlock Customization: More Grimoires! And other stuff

I really don’t see why a class with a literal summoner spec shouldn’t be allowed to pick and choose what they summon honestly


There is something wrong with them sharing this one. That’s just a stable with another graphic. Again, you guys would do a lot better asking for something novel. The “i want to get all the demons in the wild like hunters do with pets” is a bad idea that makes both classes less distinct.

They could do something similar but still very different. I am sure you guys can come up with other ideas, I pulled the one about customizing them like the character creation screen in about ten seconds.

Just copy pasting hunter pets with new graphics isn’t cool and homogenizes.

Why? What difference does it make?

What makes it a bad idea? Actually, I think a class that actually has a spell called (or used to be called) Enslave Demon should be able to keep what they bind.

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More of the “I want bad because of other bad” nonsense. Come up with something cool.

Look you guys can do whatever you want and I can call it a terrible idea. I’ve outlined why 10x already.

But you haven’t. You’re just saying “it’s bad because I said so.” If you did say something different then I missed it.


Well with something that stale it won’t be hard to top it.

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I have. It’s the same thing hunters have with a different name or graphic. Whereas the example I gave is wildly different and adds to the game and the class something with real flavor.

personally i think we should have pet classes for most creatures and classes should have the option to “tame” them in the wild
DK should be able to “tame” various undead
Hunter should be able to “tame” various beasts
Warlock should be able to “tame” various demons/abberrations
Shaman/mage should be able to “tame” various elementals


But you haven’t said why that’s bad. Both Rogues and Druids have Stealth. Classes can share the same thing but with a different name slapped on it.

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That sounds terrible. It’s already bad enough so many classes have pets. I want to be able to mount in the maw like druids! Why do they get a special thing! Let’s just give everyone everything! Terrible.

I have said why. It makes them less interesting. The whole point of a druid is they can do a little bit of what every other class does. That is their niche, not a good example.

then go do twisting corridors and you can…

LOL way to gloss over the point. Keep unique things unique. Classes should have cool things that others don’t that make them feel very different. There is nuance it isn’t binary but homogenization is bad in general.

I agree hunters have pets that can revive char . I think it is more the meme " everything belongs to hunters".

It would be cool to have different undead but when it comes down to it, that would be a necromancer thing. DKs are not a pet class. We rely on our weapons, not a pet.

Again, not a pet class. I don’t think Mages and Shamans should have that ability.

However, Warlocks are def a pet class (all three specs can use pets) and they have the ability to enslave wild demons.

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you do realize druids weren’t the only ones able to mount right? a lot of classes could if they were worgen…

It was a passing example. Should all classes be able to do everything? That sounds terrible. Keep things different. There is plenty of room to expand warlock pets in a different way than hunters.

I feel unholy is the closest we’re ever going to get to a necromancer, blizzard had lots of oppurtunites to make the class and chose not to