Warlock Covenant Breakdown

wowranks io has a breakdown of covenants.

Night Fae 48,389
Kyrian 35,637
Necrolords 20,947
Venthyr 14,198

Not a surprise here. What is a bit surprising is despite the gap from fae to venthyr, we appear to be the most balanced. My rough math suggests we have the smallest % gap between most/least played. Not that its a small gap, just not as big as say, Druid who has a bigger % gap from most played and 2nd most played than we do from most/least.

I think blizzard has clearly done a poor job of balancing covs and should just let us choose any main ability from each cov and everything else be that covenant.


This is misleading 1) because it’s an overall value and not broken down by spec and 2) puts value in Soulbind abilities we don’t have access to yet and could very well change by the time we do.

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They should have just given us ONE new ability per spec and made color vary based on your covenant.


I agree 100% on this, let it all be aesthetics, covenants should be a personal choice, not which is meta at the time.

Let’s be real Night Fae soul rot hits like a Friggen truck compared to Venthyr and Necrolords.

Kyrians is spammable basically and full shard regen if killed.

I went Venthyr and Impending Catastrophe is useless.


Impending Catastrophe does lookin freaking cool though :slight_smile:


Being a fairylock hurts my soul, but not as much as impending catastrophe not hurting anything


Yeah most of the warlock covenants offensively are just pretty garbage. Venthyrs aoe currently for me does 1900 over 12 seconds sitting at 181 ilvl with a 1.8 cast at 22% haste. 1900 damage over 12 secs just what is this.

This thing should have large synegistic values if it’s going to do this type of damage with a cast time.

Just because it decurses it shouldn’t be doing damage that other classes are doing with just auto attacks crits much less have a base 2.0 cast time or 1.9 correct me on that if I’m wrong.


As a venthyr warlock i love the aesthetic it just fits into the class fantasy better. Impending catastrophe looks amazing but unfortunately has very little reason to use it. I really hope Blizz is not done balancing covenant abilities. I feel like for choosing the covenant i was penalized.


Hopefully with these new raider IO statistics, Blizzard will buff Necrolords and Venthyr significantly, more so Venthyr.

Necrolords was my 2nd choice, both Venthyr and Necrolords have amazing aesthetics and fits a Warlock theme great, if no buffs come during the next tuning phase which I assume be before Mythic Castle Nathria, which happens every raid tier I’ll switch to Necrolords…

Might not be the best, nor as competitive as Night Fae and Kyrian, but atleast Decimating Bolt synergises with Demonbolt…

Currently Venthyr Impending Catastrophe, visually is amazing but I might aswell just cast shadow bolt instead… end up doing more dps that way and get a soul shard…

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Spec statistic you asking for,

Affliction Warlock

Covenant Amount Percentage
Night Fae 25,303 57.37%
Kyrian 11,557 26.20%
Venthyr 4,709 10.68%
Necrolord 2,536 5.75%

Demonology Warlock

Covenant Amount Percentage
Necrolord 5,576 37.86%
Night Fae 5,525 37.52%
Venthyr 2,199 14.93%
Kyrian 1,427 9.69%

Destruction Warlock

Covenant Amount Percentage
Kyrian 21,839 38.52%
Night Fae 15,907 28.06%
Necrolord 12,041 21.24%
Venthyr 6,901 12.17%

Venthyr is far least picked for majority of specs, Demonology only goes Necrolords as it can synergise with Demonbolt procs but dps wise of the ability itself Night Fae and Kyrian still pull ahead by a huge margin.

Even in the thread it said it’s not entirely correct, cause Demonology has no use for Kyrian as the soul shard regen on kill isn’t useful, that’s why it’s not as popular, but dps is still lacking, sort of forcing them to pick Necrolords, that’s the reason why it’s popular.


I’d be satisfied with just ven buff. I’m too jaded to hope they’d do much more but it needs it badly


thematically i love Demo but I have never enjoyed the playstyle. This chart indicates there are more kyrian destros and more aff night fae than total demo warlocks.

I dont know how but demo warlock needs another rework. I think maybe a menagerie playstyle that doesnt revolve around ongoing summoning, more like the diablo witch doctor who has a pack walking around with him and then…do something with that I dunno.


It does need massive work, but we won’t see this in Shadowlands, as much as I want it.

I’d love a second Felguard as a passive pet, many have suggested it but with legendaries and soul conduits done and set in stone, maybe next expansion, I’m a Demonology main, trust I been pushing for a lot of changes.

Felguard needs more survability, Demonology over all needs a buff atleast 10% to compete with Afflic and Destro, there’s a reason why Demonology is the least played Spec out of Warlocks, Destro and Afflic do everything we can do but better…

Even in Beta we received nerfs when Afflic and Destro still pulled ahead dps wise, the devs literally sometimes don’t have a clue what to do… many things just don’t make sense…

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Went Necrolord. Loving it. Night Fae wasn’t even an option. I would rather change toons.


Venthyr NEEDs a buff. Instacast and 20% more dps could be a start


I would’ve love to get the Night Fae blink, is just everything and the only thing warlocks needs to be an all rounded up useful raid member from the mobility perspective, but then again… fairies.

I ended up chosing necrolord’s only because thematic, and I shouldn’t be penalized for it.


I understand that a lot people want to do the most deeps so they can to be the most competitive but I feel Covenant abilities are just like classes in the sense that there will always be flavor of the month and will be balanced in due time. For the time being I just play what I enjoy.


Agreed to many worry so much about min/maxing even when they do not do high end content. All warlock specs will be fine up to mythic 15 and will be able to do heroics if they put the time and effort.

I don’t really care if it does the most damage or not, I really just want casting my covenant ability to not be a dps loss.


Just make ALL these abilities instant cast for starters. And fix necrolord buff to not be purgeable…

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