Warlock Covenant Breakdown

Yea, Venthyr is still too underwhelming and isn’t even strong enough in it’s niche. On Sun King, I used it 6 times, averaging about 8.5-9k damage per cast (pass-thru and DoT damage combined). DoT lasts 12 seconds.

My RoF casts did about 9.5k damage per cast, and my RoF has like a 7.X second duration.

Either give more AoE power to the ability, or it needs to not be trash single target.



The covenants should clearly have been story + cosmetic.

It didn’t make sense 12 months ago that it would be related to power and it doesn’t now.

Demo is actually better on trash and probably a bit better single target than destro.

Destro shines only in the warlock realm on burst damage. Destro has very good 30 second DPS. Very average 5 minute DPS.

All 3 warlock specs need work. That’s probably the only thing we’ll agree on.

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I think each having a utility ability would be fine; just nothing that impacts damage throughput.

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It’s probably because even our best one is not that great. When i levelled all of them felt meh to me. Best damage was clearly NF but it was not feeling great. Other classes not only have great covenants for damage but they also feel great. On my alt it feels great to press the convenant button. On my lock it’s like whatever i’d rather just focus on my class abilities.



Venth ability is an actual dps loss according to warlock discord and sims.
Meanwhile the NF ability makes up at least 10%-15% of your damage according to warcraft logs.

Yep, totally fine.


It’s not about mix/maxing. Venthyr just don’t do dps and there’s no reason to use it outside of applying the curse so at the end of the day no reason to use it at all. It’s like if a class would do 0 dps and there would be no reason to play it at all since it would do no dps.

I went Venthyr cause it looks so cool. Everytime i use Never Happening Catastrophe i do it to look cool not to do damage cause if i would really want to do damage i would press something else. The only time i use Laughable Catastrophe is in mythic+ on big pack i precast it to line it up with the tank pulling to apply the curses and help the healer a bit. Then i pretend i do dps but who am i kidding i’m a lock i’m there just to provide cookies and summon.

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I went necrolord. I been playing demo since WoD. I love that build, not for dps, for the fact i can solo a lot content and being in torghast is super easy for me. One thing i do have in back of my mind that i should of maybe went with night fae for the dps boost or venthir for the curse application to help with torghast. For now im saving my anima just incase i decide to switch. Hoping that blizz maybe will fix covenants for locks.

Went Necrolord. Went Destro. Went to normal raid and did decent dps. Will definitely go aff once I have my second legendary but at a normal and heroic level there are many things I can do better to further improve my dps as a Necrolord Destro Lock before I blame my covenant ability.

IC should apply Agony/Immolate/spawn a wild imp per target hit, rather than its current poo dot


I seriously considered the Night Fae, but in two years, when a new expansion comes out – what will endure? Transmogs and mounts.

Venthyr it is.


This covenant breakdown on warcraft logs is hilarious. I’m the 2nd highest ranked warlock that went Venthyr in normal CN. Pls buff so I can be more powerful.

If they don’t touch covenant strength for awhile, I’m gonna pout. Don’t make be blizz.

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