Warlock 9.2 tier set is being remade due to "bad judgements"

I mean I don’t wanna discredit the legitimate feelings people have about it. But I just come from a place where art =/= reality. I’ve seen Asian culture stereotyped ridiculously in WoW (e.g. inappropriate turbans, and Pandas) and some blatant racist behavior towards us and I don’t even care because it’s just a fantasy and I don’t feel like it’s a personal reflection of me.
So it’s not like I’m coming from a place where people can say “well you’re just the majority xxx”. It’s just silly because at what point do you draw the line at offence? And why is it that some people’s offence matters more than others?

I’m just saying this feels much more of people blowing up something that’s more along the lines of chuckle at the silly company that didn’t notice something that may not be obnoxiously obvious, but once you hear about it you can’t help but notice it. Like Bezos’ rocket looking like a thing he might be compensating for, stuff like that.

Is anyone saying they deliberately did that? Or just someone noticed a similarity and people are talking about it, and it got changed so stupid people couldn’t use it to bring their scummy politics into game that way, and so you wouldn’t get a bunch of little stories about it. I mean, I don’t play warlocks, but I really approve of the change as in general I find pointy hoods like that just plain silly looking so hope they get something that looks better.

All the outrage seems to be over the fact that something on the PTR is getting changed after feedback came in. It happens, it’s not some big conspiracy or anything, Blizz just doesn’t want to deal with either the stupid people who will use it for stupid politics or the memes that it’ll spawn (well, more than the ones from right now) if it goes live.

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True, tbh I didn’t see it at firs but now it’s like “oh yikes lol”

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The fact that they ARE changing it shows enough people considered it to look inappropriate at best, racist at worst.

I feel like it’s along the lines of this. Blizz didn’t intend it that way, just like Home Depot or Lowes intended this just to be helpful signage for sorting things by color, but didn’t think about it with how all the words combine to something else


Oh my GODD
im crying

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Given the number of times people have already accused those who think the outrage is overblown of being racists and “sounding like you admire what that terrorist group was” - it didn’t work.

I would say most art is based on some form of reality–including the abstract.

I remember in one of my screenwriting classes, the teacher mentioned how silly it is when a film has “based on a true story” in the beginning, as they’re all based on something.

Maybe people shouldn’t have gotten so triggered that an ugly hat is getting changed. It gets a little suspicious when people get so overly defensive of a ptr helmet like that.

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I think yeah, the writer will always use IRL references, but what I mean is like I feel art should be a safe space to explore darker concepts like this without being held to the same moral standards that we need to be held to IRL. E.g. if I write about murder, it’s not that I support or condone murder, it’s just a way to explore that kind of darker aspect of humanity through my own interpretation.

It’s a bit murky, I admit, but I feel like this is going to be a bigger problem in the years to come.


What is so triggered? Posting on a forum? Much of the more vehement response comes after they’re attacked as racists. And this didn’t happen in a vacuum. The response is primed by the broader context of both the ongoing sanitization of in-game content . Had this taken place a few years ago the response would be different.

I once saw a post about Islamic stuff should be added into the game and as a Muslim myself, I would love to see it but at the same time I’m going to actually not want it because of you know, racist. This game is filled with a lot of racist tbh.

What you said about the whole stereotype and it applies to some specific races is true. Asian and Muslim stereotypes are often passed by as a ‘joke’ and no one does anything about it.

The thread talked about having the option to cover up which I actually wanted to deny this because of the players. Funny thing is it’s probably most of the 30 year old losers who try and do this kind of stuff.

I applaud them for making this change and tbh it didn’t really matter. I know there was no racism behind making the hood, it was just a small mistake by the animator which then they realize so on and so forth.

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I dunno, the only people up in arms about this are the ones angry that an ugly hat is getting changed, and a few people are raising eyebrows about why that hat needs to be defended. It’s an ugly hat, and it’d be a nice little gift to hateful people to bring their noise into the game more than they already do, win win for getting rid of it.

“Ugly” is subjective.
I know plenty of people that are upset about it getting changed due to them personally liking the design.

I saw it and I can see where they’re coming from. I just don’t understand the whole angry mob coming after them for changing it.

Complaining about this being removed is like complaining that a gun store owner is “anti-gun, anti-2nd amendment” because he won’t hand you a LOADED weapon to look at in his store.

That example has nothing to do with being anti-gun or anti-2nd, and everything to do with the gun store owner not wanting to become a headline because some yahoo decided to shoot up the place. 999,999 out of a million people would never do that - but there is that ONE person out there who would. And that is why they never hand a potential customer a loaded weapon. You can complain - but at the end of the day it’s the owner’s store and the owner’s rules. it’s futile and you just end up looking like an idiot nutball who shouldn’t be allowed near firearms in the first place.

Blizz isn’t racist for coming up with the design. No one would have ever even thought of using it for a klanmog until this erupted. By the next tier it would be sharded for the next best thing and remembered, if at all, for being ugly.

But there will be, somewhere, at sometime, some one who WILL use it as a klanmog, will use it to stir up trouble in the game for attention, and will likely draw unwanted negative attention to a company that’s already under the microscope.

Blizz changing it has nothing to do with caving in to non-existent “woke” pressure groups and everything to do with heading trouble off at the pass before it becomes a problem.


I don’t know how else to say it. It’s not just about the hat, and calling people racist at the drop of a pin is vastly more than simply raising eyebrows.

Not arguing it’s objectively ugly, but I just find the pointy hood in general kinda silly looking. And fine, if people liked that look that’s one thing. But oh well, it’s close enough to that looking hood to be unfortunate and no company wants to deal with that can of worms, especially since there will be SOME people who use it to be horrible in game.

Yeah I’m a big believer of Hanlon’s razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

I mean I’m not American, so I can’t speak to the degree of hurt or anger people feel towards that specific group especially with the things they’ve done that should never be supported.

But in cases like these (e.g. art asset in a game or trolls), 90% of the time I just feel like it’s coming from people who are being dumb and it’s not worth the energy to get angry or upset over. I’d just rather save that anger for real crimes and injustices, or people who really need to be defended.


Eh, I’m not gonna go after people who think the hat was good looking or don’t think it’s that close. But when people try to act like it’s bringing politics into the game to avoid putting in an armor piece that could be used in a nasty political way, or starts going on about how it’s sjws ruining everything, that’s another story.