
we still would like warglavies transmog


Facts, literally all the other legendarys are available to xmog except glaives??? Cmon fix this ASAP

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Only Demon Hunters can transmog warglaives.

Legion classic coming soon… lol.


go away troll

Don’t change it, it would ruin my immersion, only DH can mog glaives.

What you can do, is wait until Legion which is when the real class can use glaives.
Or jump on retail and transmog all the things.
Otherwise, no.

And for those who missed the party, again maybe, that be time walk earned glaives.

Raid runs after it closed won’t count. Only tw. That catch 22 gets newer dh’s lol.

they why did i get them at 70 in BT?

You’ll have to use the poor man’s warglaive, which shall be known as, the ghetto glaive: https://www.wowhead.com/cata/item=37631/fist-of-the-deity

na ill just use mine and grief groups im in

Meh, while I didn’t personally care, at this point, I sure hope they don’t make this type of change now; as they’ve already shown the type of community that develops when they cater to complainers in SoD.

I guess there are other games though.


then go play them. this has no effect on game play

Only DHs are able to transmog to warglaives.

then let me play a DH

Those won’t be implemented until Legion.

no i want it now i was told i can use my galives

Sounds like this is CatA classic and not legion or retail. So they should add glaives

You were not told this.

No they shouldn’t. Legion content should only come out when Classic Legion drops.

its like we dont already know that its like this in retail but still have to tell us for no reason

it ways right there “Cataclysm Classic Legendary appearances may now be added to your Transmogrification collection.” it dont say all but glavies

It’s crazy to think war glaives are legion content??? It literally came out in TBC so I am confused what the argument is. Clearly it should just be a thing you can transmog.