
No, you.


why? i want to play cata classic with my glavies. something u said u dont care about

That’s not what I said.


It doesn’t say “all” legendaries either. It also doesn’t say “glaives” anywhere.

In Legion you’ll be able to transmog your weapons to warglaives.

Please read more carefully. No one has said this. People are saying the ability to transmog your weapons to warglaives comes in Legion.

hmm you didnt say that?

it doesn’t not say it tho

Are you just joking around now? Did you actually even bother to read my post that you’re quoting, and also think through what you’re asking me?

This is very unclear.

Anyway, I’m enjoying Cata for now. I opted out of SoD, and a huge part of that is that the devs very much showed that they were catering to complainers, which makes it a large, noisy community of loud complainers, which isn’t fun to be a part of.

I don’t want that to happen with Cata. So while I didn’t care, I sure do now.


The post “doesn’t not” say a lot of things. You misinterpreting something or reading something incorrectly does not mean that you were lied to. It’s an error on your behalf, not everyone else’s.

i did read it says u didnt care. if you dont care you can leave. your just a hypocrite

Is my?

Anyway bro, good luck and I hope you enjoy the game. But I also hope that the devs don’t cater to complainers.


The post does legendries will be added and since literally ALL of them besides war glaives were unadded doesn’t make sense why one got left out

its not about complaining its more about wanting a reason and clarity. if they come out and say yes we did this for when we do classic legion thats dif. they make a blanket statement with this and dont give a reason why its like it is for well days now

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Yeah I agree it would be nice to have it and or just reason behind it.

Would just like to see them add war glaives and increase what daggers can be transmog to. At least having one-handed swords would make sense

But also just more reason for why not

Yeah, some of the threads are pretty complainy, and I think I just took the “Oh, here’s yet another thread on the same topic,” as being such.

I think you’re right, it would be nice to get some clarity around Warglaives and tmog, but I also don’t think we need any more threads to remind us.

Anyway, good luck with your tmog desires!

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you already know the reason but refuse to acknowledge it. they copied the retail code, and in that code the warglaives are only able to be transmogged by DHs after they run Black Temple during TBC Timewalking.

All night elves should be able to wear glaives

yep i agree

And daggers should transmog to one-handed swords so dagger users can look cool

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they can change the code. they have for other thing. they can add/take things away in SOD why not cata classic

While I think you’re correct that they could change things, I don’t think pointing to SoD is a good example. SoD is such a terrible version of the game (in my opinion) that has bred and catered to such an unpleasant playerbase and community culture that I gave all my gold away, deleted all my toons, and opted out of all SoD forum discussions.

If that is the type of community and culture that they cultivate for other versions of the game, it wouldn’t be long before I did the same. I’m not sure if anyone else feels as I do, but I am here to represent my own personal opinion, and that is it.


It may be the most terrible version of the game but it’s also the one they have invested the most time into and clearly care the most about it.

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