Warglaives and Transmog

No the only argument is that these weapons existed in the game a full 8+ years before the DH even came along. But sure punish those of us who actually earned them on toons prior to this by making them DH only. Thanks for nothing Blizz.

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This is what I mean by pettiness and lack of common sense.



Glaives = Demon Hunters
Demon hunters = glaives
Demon hunters = Illidan
Warglaives = Illidan

No other class ( I’m not talking about lore, I’m talking about player created Classes) fits in the equation pertaining to Warglaives. So why try to force your way in?

You can equip them and use them in timewalking. You got more than enough I’d say.

Shadowmourne = DK
Thunderfury= shaman

There are a number of legendaries that are iconic to a class. They aren’t restricted in the same way.


Those are not weapon types only useable by one class.

They are also not iconic to their class like the warglaives are.

You do realize that the warglaives were not usable only by one class right?
Let alone that there are warglaives other classes can use as well right?

Stick to classic.


And everybody always falls back to this argument.

And back to why it’s not compelling.

It lacks common sense and is petty

If you cannot refute it then it means the argument holds validity.
What classes could use the warglaives in TBC?
I won’t even count DK’s cause that would just kick dirt in your face


Your proof is in an erroneous tool tip, which is why it’s petty and holds no weight.

Let me ask you again.

What classes could use the warglaives?
Your silence speaks loads. GG


You do realize the weapons we are talking about are labeled as SWORDS right? But sure go ahead and keep pushing whatever it is you’re on about.

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The only thing lacking common sense and being petty is YOU!

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And the Warglaives of Azzinoth are swords and were weapons Illidan took from the corpse of a Demon Lord he killed.

Its strange you come in here and make statements like–

Yet the only one being petty and non-compelling arguments here is you dude. Not to mention you contradict yourself with a statement like–

Even though said weapon in question are a pair of swords.

… You are right, for 11 years the tooltip was erroneous :roll_eyes:


I just equipped my warglaives on my warrior and rogue and logged them both out. Now I can “diminish the value” of DH’s who earned that achievement via my armory profile for all eternity. :slight_smile: I’m not taking them back off until Blizzard either changes them from Swords to Warglaives (which would at least be more logical than what they did) and I can no longer wear them, or until they allow me to transmog them.


Guess you’re not playing your Warrior or Rogue ever again.

I have 24 warriors and 3 rogues, I’ll be fine.

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And hunters. Why does everyone forget hunters could use them as well? They were the ultimate ‘hunter weapon’ and it pissed off so many rogues and warriors when hunters got them. Then Cata rolls around and hunters don’t use melee anymore so they get removed and DKs added.

So while you’re at it Blizz, put hunters back on the equip list, since ya know we have a melee spec again.

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as someone who has Sulfuras, Thunderfury, Thori’dal, the Stars’ Fury, AND Shadowmourne I am so happy about this change even though I likely won’t transmog my Sulfuras or Shadowmourne(because Arcanite Ripper > all other two handers) but I REALLY don’t understand restricting the Warglaives to DH only, if anything let rogues equip them as they were the main players sportin’ them and droolin’ over them back in the day and because fury warriors have been redesigned for dual wielding 2 handers because of titan’s grip.

edit, also all other legendaries are lame+cringe transmogs except Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest.

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The worst part is that they still require you to do the Timewalking event, despite the fact now that every other legendary requires no additional work. This is by far the stupidest decision of all.

Fine let DHs have exclusive access to warglaives. Now, can you remove that stupid Timewalking requirement? You literally time-gated 4-months at a time with only a week to complete an otherwise overtuned raid.


At this point Blizz should just go ahead and complete the ultimate slap to the face, and change them from Swords to Warglaives. At least then this change would make some semblance of sense. But the way it is now, it’s just insane.