Warglaive of Azzinoth

I mean, it just does not make sense. IF the achievement is what they want to protect; why not set that as the requirement for all classes that are eligible to wield the warglaives to begin with? If it is the TW raid achievement combined with equipping both glaives, then make rogues and warriors do that. I would be happy to.

Really. Why is the transmog for a weapon that is iconic for its time locked to a class that was not even playable during their time? I am not against demon hunters having it, I am against locking out the transmog from the classes who the weapons were designed for.

Set the same requirements for Rogues and Warriors to transmog them. Don’t make Demon Hunter be a requirement. It just does not make sense. Really.

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This is a fair solution for all sides

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Hey! I just had main hand glaive drop tonight on my warrior and got so excited to start mogging with it. Except when I went to do weapons, it wasn’t there. It was pretty disappointing.
All the other legendaries are moggable, but this one has to be so different? My warrior is literally wielding it right now – why couldn’t he just use its appearance?


I see you Saloria. The dream is still very much alive

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bump to show support


call J G Wentworth 877-GLAIVES-NOW


keep this top 3 <3

The last expansion I played was burning crusade until the recent release of shadowlands. These glaives are easily the coolest looking items I remember… I was considering playing a rogue so I can have the privilege of xmogging these bad boys on one of my fav characters… now reading that this is an exclusive transmog to a class that didn’t even exist at the time of creation is disappointing not only cause ultimately I can’t have them for reason I wanted, but also because I feel it really emphasizes poor judgements on behalf of Blizzard. Back when I use to play these were nearly impossible to get a hold of. To deny players the opportunity to transmog something which I’m going to guess needed an extraordinary amount of additional effort compared to what’s required to get them today makes me question the decision making and thought process at Blizzard. At the very least players who obtained the item prior to the release of dh should have this option. This is pretty much saying blizzard donesn’t respect the effort those players put in to have this item from back in the day considering you can probably go solo farm black temple at every opportunity and unlock this xmog eventually on a DH. Judging from the general forum response and feedback I’m looking at, It’s telling me that blizzards old-school or longtime subscriber fan-base isn’t as important to them as offering the feeling of exclusivity to players who want to play their “new” class. At the end of the day i’m a priest and it really doesn’t impact me, but it definitely puts me in critical thinking mode.

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Bingo. The latest hero class always takes the favorites cake.

you might have a decent chance when “classic tbc” comes out and reminds them about it but if it doesnt get added then youre probably out of luck

this is a bump reply

It seems the argument against warriors and rogues, etc being able to transmog the Warglaives of Azzinoth is because it’s part of the demon hunter identity or because of lore. There are other items other classes cannot transmog due to class restrictions. IE: Quel’Serrar. But these are documented as class specific. Class specificity is fine, but the Warglaives of Azzinoth are not restricted only to demon hunters. This is inconsistent and (I’m not sure if this is true) appears to be one of the only cases where Blizzard is making something more exclusive for transmogs versus inclusive for new classes. IE: Thunderfury and Sulfurus can be transmogged by new classes. The Warglaives are swords, the class-specificity is maintained, and should therefore be treated as such when determining transmogs. The other options are to recategorize them as warglaives, or remove the classes who could originally wield them. Both latter options seem like options the community would severely dislike. The current implementation is also unfavorable to those who have put in the time to get the items. Simply allowing all those who can wield to transmog seems like a simple rule to follow.

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At the very least allow demon hunters who have one or both to just transmog them and now do some stupid tw quest we spend the time to camp and loot them its super unfair to have to go an do some stupid raid all over again in a random time frame


This is a bump reply

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/throws some morale support

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I love you <3


Yess please we are the original users of Warglaie, evveryone else can transmogy their legendaries why cant we to glaives? Who did you think of when a glaive first came out wielding it? a fking rogue!

this is another bump comment

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and it would take away from the time walking event! and achievements.
don’t give them our glaves blizz.

your class didn’t exist until almost a decade later

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