Warden Towers

We at least know that the Valarjar are not happy with Sylvanas :



I mean, that is the sub-plot of BfA, isn’t it?

Woah, sweet. Didn’t know about that.


Also the Gilneans shouldn’t have the numbers to match the forsaken.

Numbers don’t mean anything to Blizzard.


Not really a good judge to go by, cause those are literally Eyirs handmaidens. Of course they’re upset.

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He was, but that also involved going into the sort of underworld to get him and yank his spirit up.

The Warden Towers are just a game element to provide some World PvP, so I wouldn’t spend too much time trying to reconcile it with the story of Stormheim or Legion.

On the subject of the Forsaken vs. the Gilneans, ignoring the Legion, etc. there really wasn’t any opportunity for the Forsaken to do so. We arrive in Stormheim, Genn attacks our fleet. We regroup on land and Sylvanas is missing. We spend the rest of the zone repelling worgen attacks while the Forsaken try to find Sylvanas, with our PC pitching in when not pursuing the Aegis of Aggramar. Then, we finally locate her and head towards Eyir’s vault. Then Genn and Sylvanas tussle while the player conveniently decides to not exist in the WoW universe until the cinematic is over.

Then it becomes the Illidan and Velen Sideshow and everyone else is forgotten about.


I agree, Kagehiro, but still, due to everything you touched on, and as Noravalys and I discussed, this is all we ever actually see Sylvanas use the Forsaken for through Legion, so I don’t really like this idea that Genn’s attacking the Forsaken meant there were less forces that would have actually been used against the Legion, or that it somehow stopped the player for getting the Aegis for Dalaran.

I might not have explained my point that well then, cause what I was going for is she couldn’t use them against the Legion without Genn swooping in to gank them, so by Genn attacking them and setting the precedent that he will just attack Forsaken troops, that leads to less forces being used against the Legion, because to do so would be utterly foolish since they were near enough guaranteed to be killed in fruitless ways by Genn.

We never actually see the Horde “avenge” Vol’jin but apparently it happened? Idk I missed it. Was it on Argus somewhere? Maybe hiding behind Aethas’ cupcake?

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