Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

sounds like it would actually be a good fir for Sylvanas’ story to me, though maybe minus more ‘good intentions’ than most

IIRC the origin of that saying is Saint Athanasius of Alexandria saying “the road to Hell is paved with the skulls of Bishops” and it was watered down to that generally empty platitude when it was originally a class-based critique of the stewards/shepherds of the Church selling out the laity for favor with the Emperor and his State.


Could be applied to present circumstances with WoW Team Leadership


I am not sure what more you really could do with her. She already completed the self introspection that’s the bedrock of Revendreth’s redemption process, so if you killed her now she would just go somewhere nice and be at peace.

Being forced to remain in undeath ferrying billions of souls out of wow hell for (subjective) aeons, not to mention destroying all the Mawsworn shades beyond any sort of recovery, seems a pretty unpleasant thing to be landed with.

There will be no peace for her, until she brings peace for everyone she damned.


With the Jailer gone, it doesn’t seem like it will be as much of a hell anymore.

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She’s still being sent unarmed into a dangerous place with dangerous enemies. The jailer has an army that rivals the Legion, don’t forget.

Its still full of Mawsworn, who without a master should be rampaging about the place.

This is a conversation for next week, but I don’t think Tyrande wants to fight a weak Sylvanas. She wants to fight the Sylvanas that is worthy of fighting her on equal terms.

Tyrande still wants a fight but she wants to fight the woman she considered her equal, she doesn’t see this new Sylvanas as her equal anymore, she sees this Sylvanas as weak. And Sylvanas has a lot on her plate to wrestle with after getting her soul restored.

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How much is even left there now? The covenants have also been invading the Maw, and I can’t imagine they are just going to wait for Sylvanas to pick up ever soul because they need the anima. The Maw is far less of a hell now than it was before.

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It’s not the worst ending they could’ve gone with. That’s for sure.

But this was all so stupid. They blew up two beloved player hubs, sent the fanbase against eachother, had us trapse around a gray frowning boulder for 80 hours and all for- what, exactly?

This was as unnecessary as it was dissapointing.


Maybe it’s not so much a Hell as in a place but a “personal Hell” Sylvanas with a restored soul has to continue to come to terms with all that she did as the Banshee Queen and a lot of it is facing and saving the souls she betrayed and victimized. That’s where you are going to get your catharsis as well.

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What? Is that in the book? Are they trying to make Tyrande like Goku or something “I only want to fight my enemy at full strength!”, that doesn’t really seem like Tyrande’s character at all.

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They made Sylvanas Vegeta so why not make Tyrande Goku?

(I’ve never watched an episode of Dragon Ball Z in my entire life and I have no idea what this even means, but I saw people comparing Sylvanas to Vegeta once, and it seems to check out. Don’t quote me like I’m an expert. I know nothing.)

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Its hard to fight someone to the death who has put their lives in your hands, and said “I dont expect forgiveness, do your worst”

…plus she isnt empowered by the Maw covenant anymore, given Zovaal is just a sad robot statue now. So Tyrande would curbstomp her.


I won’t get any catharsis from this because it’s only her repairing the damage for some of the people she murdered and people will still complain about Tyrande giving Sylvanas the most merciful judgement for what she did. But this isn’t fixing any of the damage she wreaked on Azeroth. I’ll only get any catharsis from this if they go into the pain of the victims and the suffering she caused and the damage is healed and the horde is no longer benefitting from what Sylvanas did by leaving Ashenvale or even helping to fix Darkshore and the other places they destroyed under her.


Baine’s voice: “Maybe she should!”

(sorry, I couldn’t resist :joy:)

I have a feeling Baine is just going to become a meme at this point.

Yeah that worked lol, but Goku was a deadbeat as a father, I think Tyrande is a much better parent if we were going to go by Shandris.


It feels a bit like she does, in a way. She literally backs her into jumping off the Arbiter’s platform, after all. She does not physically beat her to a pulp, but she gets the proverbial last laugh.


She does and I’m glad you see it that way I see it that way. Tyrande is 100% a “baddie”

(According to Urban Dictionary, a baddie is a girl who is always slaying the game and always on fleek . Basically, a girl who is extremely put together and looks phenomenal even on her off days.)

I’ve never been more proud of Tyrande as a character. Sylvanas has “met her match” I look forward to this rivalry to keep fighting until the end of this franchise.

I truly do not understand why they prefer with flaming dumpster fire over simply retconing the last four years and admitting they failed


I feel like he already is meme, especially after this. Why is he so passionate about this place?