Warcraft: Sylvanas spoilers

Meanwhile remember all the times Danuser and Ion insisted that Sylvanas had a super cool reason and justifiable super important point?



Yeah… it was a great moment that led to nothing. Everything up to and including that moment was fine by me. The only thing wrong with it was what came after. The lack of pay off. The unanswered questions going back to WoT, and all the new questions because of everything that is pretty much nonsense.


We have a non-Garithos perspective in Exploring EK through one of his deserters, do we not?

I dont think there is anything else marketing would let them say, and lets be real… marketing and finance run ABK.

Just like the whole “end of the saga” thing was apparently largely marketing; the story team never really saw it that way.


Lava eels can be super cool though Baal, and they might turn out to be so very super important as to justify everything!!!

The FRACTALS said we should Wait and See!!


But, the fractals was also fragmented :wink:

They’re unreliable sources!


It’s just funny to debate any lore given this book

It’s ridiculous to think any of this is meant to be coherent

This book is a big mask off moment for them

This is, unironically, the best they could do, back against the wall. This was the best the Brain Trust at Blizzard could create.

They chose this over a retcon. They chose Lava Vore Eels and meme plots over taking the L and admitting failure/error.

Lava Vore Eels and Diet Sauron Lucifer Thanos At Folsom is the conclusion of 20 years of Warcraft Story in their minds. This is acceptable, no, good to them.

They’re excited for Fractals when they can’t even get what a Closed Energy System is correctly.

They don’t know what they’re doing. They’re stuck in the 90s as the world of video game writing runs past them with every passing year.

They are ignorant of history, of cultures, of religions, or philosophy and metaphysics and even just physics, and DEEPLY, PROFOUNDLY misunderstand the psychological motivation for why so many care about this game in even a passive capacity.

Y’all out here with ridiculous petulant discourse about Garithos, coming for Ren’s throat, and for what?

Ion is spineless and petty even though he doesn’t actually care about the lore, choosing to force Kylo Ren Emo Void Elves in order to justify both Alleria and stick it to Alliance High Elfers he always had contempt for, flip flopping constantly with the wind on whether he prefers Warcraft 1 or Warcraft 3.

Golden is a centrist hack who lacks the range and forces her little Adopted OCs onto the story in every capacity, sacrificing all at the altar of Anduin with a unique contempt for the Horde fantasy.

And with every passing narrative decision it’s evident the internal melodrama amongst themselves alongside the internal contempt for the pkayerbase is rooted on decades of institutional pettiness, resentment, and abuse in every direction.

Stories are everything. They are the foundation for society. They are who you are and who you wish to be, where you come from and where want to go, how you met your friends and lovers and how you’ll lose them too. Stories are history, theology, genealogies, philosophy.

And these people fundamentally don’t grasp it. They’re stuck in their little bubbles of delusions and I just don’t understand how after 20 some years.

There is no love these stories.

There is no respect.

There is no care, no valuing.

They hate they have to keep going. They hate that people care. They hate that they can’t just serve slop and we just eat it up without commentary or critique.

Sure some devs do of course. You can see the love that went into Zandalar aesthetically and Kul Tirans narratively. You can see the love and fun they had with Revendreth or Ardenweald.

But the leadership? The ones running the show and their corporate puppeteers

This is unsustainable.

Decades of narrative and the story is not only ankle deep in most places but the lake has run dry in others.


It feels like the writers are trying to duplicate the Elder Scrolls settings depth and narrative complexity, but they just aren’t smart enough to get it right.


I’m fairly certain Elder Scrolls has in-house team of People Who Know What They’re Talking About And Can Source Inspirations like Assassin’s Creed or God of War and even Call of Duty (lmao), no?

Plus you can’t rush into depth without adequate years of infrastructure tying the cosmology to the player fantasy.


I kinda refuse to believe this was an idea as far back as Legion.

Maybe some version of it but certainly not what we got. I’d heard there were supposed to be more Covenants each representing an idea for how to change SL who were at war.

And I do believe at least that much because having to pick a side amongst factions working together in complete agreement felt like a vestigial organ from a different design document.

We were constantly helping eachother out. To the point where it didn’t even make sense you had to prove yourself to the new guys when you switched. Just call up the Necrolords lady what should I have brought my resumé? You haven’t seen me out here solving all your problems?


Oh it wasn’t, but that’s the problem.

They refuse to commit to narrative depth and elaboration of historical nuance for the things we care about yet now want to force cosmological depth.

This is ridiculous man.

They don’t believe in this story. They resent it.


I don’t even think it was that much in the 90s

OG Forgotten realms, for all the mockery it’s gotten and deserved over the years, still had deeper cultural development for a RPG before 3e writers decided it would all be brought down to a string of Kingdoms of Hats.

The setting stuff Greenwood wrote with minimal editorial oversight is generally way better than the FR stuff from the 2000s


I mean… Ion is a Lawyer. Being two faced and demonstrating a mastery of speaking in doublethink is his trade. Not expecting him to act like one isnt going to end well.

The story of WoW has been developers drinking their own cool aid and thinking they are better than sliced bread, then crashing hard core when reality came and punched them in the face with a lawsuit. Repeatedly. And it still is punching.


Re: Ion, I expect him to actually grow back his soul and spine or step aside and let someone with both take charge

Re: story, How many punches do they think they can take?

I stop reading for one day and there’s 350 new posts in this thread.

But out of the hundred or so I skimmed, I have to point out - Baal is killing it in this thread. Like, we could just make a thread of every statement he’s made and it would probably be one of the funniest things I’ve read in a while.


Reject the Usual Alliance Weirdos arguing about Garithos unironically

Embrace Lava Eel Vore meme

What if Golden is foreshadowing the Crooked Serpent?

What if the game will end by us facing a Giant Lava Vore Eel that will try to Vore us via Lava?


I dont know if lawyers grow back spines or souls. I think its part of the contract they sign with fiendish spirits in trade for passing the bar.

I honestly dont know how many they can take. I know their worker morale is pretty much rock bottom at this point, and the various factions have been largely purged, so those raging feuds that made the lore all erratic should calm down.

Their big problem now seems to be they are struggling to attract any new blood. Which is understandable given 2+ years of being drug through the mud, but is not good for the health of the company.


WoWs always been on the lighter side of narrative and that worked fine when the world was the star.

BFA had a terrible main story. But I really loved wandering around Zuldazar and Kul Tiras learning about their lore and problems. Hell Dazar’Alor may be my favorite city not just in a MMO but in the whole fantasy genre. I could and did spend hours there just looking around and vibing.

But it immediately started to get shaky in Nazjatar. Because the Unshackled were fine but there wasn’t that much to them. And otherwise it’s just coral and more highborne ruins populated by hostile lizards.

SL nose dived out on the first patch because the Maw was just terrible and even though the Covenants were well done they were so disconnected from the setting.

They decided to do a story where our only connection was the characters. And of course it exploded. They’re at best okay and even if it was great having to wait months to years for story beats just isn’t a good system. I’m positive at least a few people went to their grave not knowing what Sylvanas’s motivations were.

And that’s truly tragic because alien lava eel vore is going to be my go to explanation for everything from now on.

Seriously I told my friend that and she actually found this thread. She thought I was screwing with her and looked it up. Because of course she did.


Guys, guys, guys, I think we may be blowing the eeel thing out of proportion just for laughs.

And I don’t think we should stop.


Nah it really isn’t.

Nihilistic Despair That Is Used As Genocide Justification Due To Loss Of Family In Death is a D-Tier motivation but presenting the argument via Lava Eel Vore Marital Angst and that this CONVINCED a woman who survived genocide via having her body and soul mutilated, tortured by the same dude for an extended period of time, and then commits suicide only to be shown aforementioned Lava Eel Vore is F-Tier